Monday, February 21, 2022

Cookie Gun Shenanigans!

Oh my heavens, peeps.

What a lovely afternoon I had with my babies—on a day when I was really craving some quality time with them.

All thanks to these strange, early-release school days we have down here. :)

Basically, about half a dozen times a year, the kiddos are let out of school at 12:45. Half of these days are for optional parent/teacher conferences, and half are for staff enrichment opportunities. But all of them end up being, well…mildly inconvenient, ha.

It’s just enough of an early dismissal to throw off our day and groove. So I learned long ago that we have to seize the chance to use these days for good, not evil. And make something lively of them.

Enter: our cookie gun shenanigans!

First disclaimer: I know this is, in fact, a “cookie press.” But to us, it’s a cookie gun, and it was a whole lotta fun (so fun, in fact, that I’m rhyming).

I’ve been wanting to try it out for ages, but never managed to find the perfect time…until today.

And I adore the fact that my kiddos raced downstairs when I told them it was time, and declared it one of our official “Test Kitchen Tuesdays”—not Tuesdays—from last summer, and requested their aprons. 

Which tells me: If I’ve done nothing else right as a parent, at least I’ve managed to hype them up over made-up events and occasions. Victory. ;)

Now. Shout-out goes to older bro, who was available for a quick FaceTime consult that shaved off a whole lotta time and angst for me figuring out how to work this thing. Woohoo, for modern technologically under baking duress!

And we redistributed that time toward taking hilarious pics with our cookie gun. As one does. :)

No shocker here…this first attempt was not a success:

Bahaha…blobby blob blob.

But look how we recovered!

We switched out the design discs at the end of the gun after every few cookies, and it was a riot to watch how each new one turned out. I lurv this series of reactionary pics:

Seriously. Whole lotta fun.

Now. After all that fun was had, we still had a solid chunk o’ time before Chica’s regularly-scheduled dance class. So thanks to our 80-degree weather, we headed outside with a giant bucket of new sidewalk chalk. Woohoo!

It seriously was exactly the afternoon we all needed. Me, especially. I was really needing some concentrated joyful time with my kiddos, doing the kind of projects and creative endeavors we love.

And a massive dose of Vitamin D did wonders for us all!

So here’s to making opportunities out of these random chunks of time we’re gifted. Sometimes it feels frustrating, or like a burden, to have a weekday with a schedule that has to be thrown out the window.

But that’s where the magic lives.

There’s always time to get back on scheduled track. 


Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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