Wednesday, February 23, 2022

TWOsday Gratitude

Well, peeps.

I’m a day late on this post (par for the course these days!), but I still really wanna take a moment to honor the unique 2/22/22 TWOsday we just experienced, and share where I’m at mentally in this second month of this 22nd year.

To frame that bit of sharing, allow me to present this text my dear friend sent at the start of the month:

Now. I’m not typically in to signs or astrology or really anything that indicates there’s an invisible hand of luck or fate guiding things—beyond my Christian faith and the hand I believe God has in everything.

But, man, was that text a really lovely bit of positivity heading in to this February month.

The idea that “money bags” could mean riches of any sort—financial, emotional or a million other iterations—was a really happy thought for me. And I absolutely harnessed the energy of that message and channeled it into my personal mental health and said: for the love of all that is holy, I’m gonna make this February and this 2022 year freaking awesomesauce, ha. Whether it wants to be, or not!

Understandably, I’m a bit wary of and traumatized by this February/March time frame.

Because on this day, last year, the mitigation crew had just arrived and was tearing apart our house following our massive water disaster:

And on this day, the year before that, we were less than two weeks from a global lockdown (‘nuf said; we all lived that one).

And on this day, the year before that, we were packing up to leave DFW after 15 years, having just received the news that our contractor here in SA had stolen a bunch of money and abandoned work on our house, leaving it unlivable, two weeks prior to move in.


Sometimes I worry that I’m being a bit of a drama queen when I relive some of these yucky events. Or that I just need to move on and forget about it already. 

But considering we’ve only had our house completely back together and functional—following the 2,674th time we’ve had to put it back together (or so it seems)—a mere six months ago, I feel like it’s kind of okay to occasionally feel the fresh wound of it when I get one of those “on this day, one year ago” pics on my phone, ha.

Anyone who knows me is aware of my general positivity, and I really do try to tap into that when I start to go to the bad place reliving any of our somewhat hard-to-believe events of the past few years.

And along those lines, I also try to look for silver linings everywhere—as we’ve all tried to do over the past couple of years.

And one of the silver linings of all of our February/March trauma of the past three years is that it feels SUPER FANTASTIC AMAZING on this day, in this month, to just not have my house ripped apart, ha.

And that’s really it.

The bar is set that low, ha.

I’ve just been really relieved and happy over the past couple of weeks to be living through a February without a dark cloud of doom overhead.

And, yeah, yes, I know how this all sounds like I’m jinxing myself, but goodNESS, bring it on if you must, universe! We’re pretty resilient at this point. ;)

But on the off chance that we manage to make it through this year without a major disaster…boy will I count myself fortunate. And it’s really lovely to have that perspective of not needing an insane truckload of good fortune to come my way. But to rather exist in relative peace and just marinate in a boring, regular life. :)

I’ll take all the small moments of joy every chance I can possibly get.

And be SUPER grateful for them all.

So here’s to manifesting a February that doesn’t bring me additional trauma, yes??

Happy TWOsday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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