Monday, February 28, 2022

Shrink Art Sillies

Well, peeps.

We made it through Monday, which is usually our craziest day of the week. So…woohoo!

We are COMPLETELY on the countdown to Spring Break, and it’s kind of hard to believe—despite the changing light that’s definitely promising a seasonal change on the horizon.

Of course, part of that seasonal change involves new seasonal projects! YIPEE!!!

I ran a couple errands today and stocked up on oodles of adorable little springtime crafts and can’t wait to bust them out with the kiddos. Last year we completely bypassed spring crafts of any kind, considering our water disaster and aftermath. So it feels extra-special to load up on these particular bits of fun. :)

In the meantime…yesterday, we busted out a trusty shrink art project while we streamed church instead of attending in person. It was pretty much the last unused project I had hanging around from our Valentine’s batch (though this wasn’t at all Valentine’s, ha).

Anywho…a couple pics of m’babies and their creations:

It was a solid weekend with some quality video gaming, as well. ;)

And now, for a Monday tidbit that has absolutely nothing to do with this post:

Little Man and Chicklet are still totally enjoying their MultiSports class that takes place on Mondays. They come home happy, exhausted, sweaty, and full of fresh air. :)

Today, Little Man reported they’ve switched from soccer to football, and he got to practice “the BQ.”

It took me a minute to riddle it out.

“You mean the QB?” I asked.

“Yeah, yeah—that’s the one.”


Happy my babies are so happy with their extra-curriculars and school clubs and activities. They have lots of lovely outlets this year and I dig it.

Hard to believe some of the pre-registration for this Fall starts tomorrow! Never mind the summer things we should have already booked.

A problem for another day, yes?

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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