Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Joy With Abandon

Well, peeps.

The second graders at our kiddos’ elementary school get the treat of not one, but two field trips—and they’re both pretty awesomesauce.

Back in the Fall, they had a fun excursion to a massive hands-on museum (the very same museum Chica also attended for her 4th grade field trip that I was able to chaperone in January).

And then, today, the second graders had a bonus excursion to a nearby nature preserve that’s a drive-through animal experience.

To say Chicklet’s been excitedly counting down the sleeps since the day the field trip permission slip came home would be a massive understatement.

And judging by her yawns this evening—and the fact that she was already wide awake went I went to get her this morning—she barely slept a wink last night in anticipation.

Better still—she had this unabashedly joyful grin when she came home and gave me the play-by-play in minute detail. :) 

And her amazing teacher shared this action shot with me this afternoon. The kiddos were feeding some of the animals out the school bus window. :)

Sooooo many times, of late, as I’ve been taking stock of our school year, and the mental and physical milestones of my kiddos, and snap shots of where they each are right now, before they inevitably change, I’ve taken a moment to live in the land of gratitude and happiness. Because all my babies are happy and healthy and thriving.

And when I take a moment to soak in the unicorn fairy dust of my amazing middle born, the word that comes to mind is, simply, JOY.

Her smile and laugh absolutely light up my life. And her joy and enthusiasm are endless.

She is still blissfully smack-dab in the middle of being a little girl, without any of the insecurities that come with growing a few more years and letting outside influences sway her.

She’s all rainbows and butterflies and dinosaurs and dragons—with clothing choices as colorful and varied, and, yes, sometimes mismatched, as her many, many interests.

She still carts baby dolls and stuffed animals and creatures wherever she goes, and straps a dinosaur flashlight to her forehead just to select her pajamas at bedtime, like she’s an explorer charting her way through unknown territory. 

She still gets excited to the point of bursting over an after school play date with a friend she spent the entire school day with, and a field trip to see animals is enough to have her counting down sleeps for weeks.

She still slides on to my lap every single chance she gets and gives me nose kisses at bedtime. And still—all these years later—prefers to walk, jump, run, dance, and hike the stairs on her tippy-toes because it “makes my feet happy.”

When she was a three-years-old, she had this glorious saying that the hubby and I just melted over:

That’s what peoples do to make happy.

And, oh, my dear, YOU make our hearts happy every single day, simply because you don’t need any reason to find the joy and entertainment in everything around you.

I know we’ve seen glimpses this year of a self-awareness that will eventually intrude, as it does for us all.

But my prayer is that it takes its sweet time turning my Chicklet into a big girl. And when it does, I know she’ll still live with a kernel of that JOY inside of her. Always.

I love her to bits and pieces and bits.

Happy Wednesday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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