Thursday, March 3, 2022

Little Man’s Character Award!

Oh. My. Heavens. Peeps.

What a proud Mama I was today, attending an outdoor, school-wide assembly with the hubby, so we could witness Little Man receiving a Character Award at school!

This is an award that’s given to one student per class, each nine weeks, and it signifies a student’s strong character, ability to display the habitual traits of a successful student that our school values, and their general kindness (also something our school greatly values—Amen, Hallelujah).

To say my heart BURSTS with pride seeing a child of mine recognized in this way is a massive understatement.

You might recall Chica and Chicklet’s celebration of this award in December—along with Little Man’s feelings at the time. But if you’d like a refresher, here’s some background:

Honestly, when I received the e-mail from Little Man’s teacher last week, notifying me of this great news, I was pretty dang surprised. Not that I don’t adore my boy and lavish love and praise on him all the time, but…I just thought he’d have to wait longer and try even harder to achieve this milestone! Ha.

I should have known my little dude would blaze a trail in elementary from the get-go. He’s certainly taken to his kindergarten year like a fish to water. So much, in fact, that it’s truly impossible to believe that he was ever in preschool. He’s just so tall and bright and mature—sometimes, too much for his own good, ha. But that’s the plight of the youngest child, amiright?

This was the first assembly we’d experienced outdoors in the school’s amphitheater, and I gotta say: I love the environment. I do not love how unprepared I was for the sudden and strong onslaught of springtime sunshine that left myself and Chica both with sunburns on our faces—and everyone else with a mild bit of heat stroke. Oye.

It was a joy to spot all my kiddos in the crowd before the big event began, and to see the girlies’ excitement when they realized we were there because their brother was receiving an award.

It was also lovely to enjoy the assembly next to neighbors and friends whose children were also receiving awards. Yet again, confirmation that our kiddos are surrounding themselves with positive influences. :)

His little reward bag, complete with certificate…

Look! He gave me permission to hold him for a hug afterwards while we were waiting in line for pictures. Probably the last year he’ll let me get away with such smothering maternal love, ha. 

And just look at my handsome men together. :)

You can tell by this point, he was kind of hot and over the pics, ha.

Needless to say…because I’m both a sucker and sentimental fool, such an honor warranted a trip to Tarjay for a prize. And—shocker—my Little Man chose LEGOs. :)

You know, it really has been such a beautiful relief and seamless transition to have my boy in kindergarten this year. Not only did he dive right in and make some lovely and lively little friends, but his behavior has been so wonderful, and his mind has been endlessly engaged.

To that end, he recently tested into an accelerated learning program that he’ll actually begin tomorrow. A major milestone, as it’s something he so desperately needs in order to keep him challenged and learning, considering his test scores that are off the charts. His brain constantly yearns for that next challenge—both a function of his DNA, and that desire to keep up with his sissies. And both are great motivators!

I’m so excited to see where this additional academic boost takes him. It’s certainly an answered prayer after months of patiently wading through all the necessary procedures and testing. And I’m already plotting lots of summer school “lessons” for he and I, to keep him pushing forward in the way he really craves.

Sometimes it makes me emotional to stop and think about how wonderfully my kiddos are taken care of at our elementary school. A true testament to God’s invisible hand in everything, as I had a really tough time with the move here and the loss of our old elementary school that I also loved. I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined that I’d get to this point of gushing with praise over the care our family receives. 

Each of my children has vast and varied learning and motivational styles and academic and social needs, and every single one has been met by the amazing faculty and staff, month after month, year after year.

I’m so grateful to all the adults who play a role in my kiddos’ education, and keep them happy and safe and challenged. It’s the absolute best a parent can hope for. And we do our best to put good in, as we certainly get an abundance of good out. :)

So here’s to heading into this FINAL nine weeks with a smile (how is it already the final nine weeks of school???), and finishing strong!

Happy Thursday, peeps!

Over and out.

P.S. Chica has certainly received her fair share of gushing pride posts, but since yesterday was all about Chicklet and today was Little Man, here’s a little note that was attached to Chica’s agenda today, written by her lovely teacher:

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