Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Young (Art) Master!

Well, peeps!

What a fun evening we had, attending a district-wide event to celebrate elementary artists—including Little Man, whose drawing was chosen for display. Woohoo!

This event was totally new to us, having been on hold during the past two COVID years. So it was extra-special exciting to attend and enjoy the hoopla.

The event spanned several hours (come and go as you please) and was just a giant gallery set up in one of the district’s main sports complexes (which, in and of itself, was pretty cool to see!).

It’s so funny to be in giant crowds after such a lengthy time of social distancing, but I think that only added to everyone’s enthusiasm. And who doesn’t love fawning over kids’ artwork???

We had to wander a bit of find our particular elementary school’s display. But it was worth it to see Little Man’s pride and excitement when he found his adorable piece:

It’s hysterical to see this beautiful little snowman and compare it to vastly more intricate doodling he does at home. But the consistency throughout all his art is his excellent precision work—especially compared to the other kindergarten work on display (if I do say so myself, as a COMPLETELY biased Mama, ha.)

Another part of the event’s fun was running into several parents, teachers and kiddos we know and adore, and having a lovely bit of time to chat amidst the chaos. And my kiddos all enjoyed searching all the drawings for names of any of their classmates who had something on display. It’s lovely to see their enthusiasm for their friends and little school community. Here’s Chicklet, pointing to one of her friend’s drawings:

Seriously an unexpected bit of fun and pride.

And one bonus bonus of the the night: we ran into one of Chica’s closest friends (and her mother), who was about to head next door for her district swim team practice in a nearby facility and really wanted us to follow along so she could show Chica her swimming skills.

So…off we went!

Getting a really fun education and unofficial tour of the aquatic complex that’s just amazeballs!

It was REALLY fun to watch for a bit—and especially fun to chat with a mother I don’t see very often.

And especially fun that it happened spur-of-the-moment, at a time when we had the opportunity to check things out.

Soooooo often I have to be the “no” mom, because we’re headed to extra-curriculars, or to tackle homework, or to fix dinner and deal with bedtimes. So it’s a special joy to be able to work something in like this—on a weekday, no less—to bring my kiddos joy.

I totally FAILED to take pics of the awesome complex, but here’s Little Man, totally enjoying scaling the bleachers, ha:

So, yay, to an amazing event celebrating all the young artists at our school—Little Man, included!

Over and out. 

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