Saturday, April 2, 2022

School Carnival = Family Fish!

So…have you ever been to an elementary school carnival where your kiddo wins a free goldfish that ends up costing you $170 in aquarium set-up fees, thereby earning the title of First Official Family Pet??

Just us???

Just us, huh.


Meet Twinkles. Our new family fish, ha.

Rewinding to last night and the gorgeous evening we had for the annual school carnival that was on hold for the past two years during COVID.

It’s a major fundraiser for the school and a pretty expansive shindig. In fact, I spent a decent chunk of my time this week (though not nearly as much as the PTA officers!) helping out with the silent auction basket for Little Man’s class, and putting in some good old-fashioned hard labor time towards setup.

But it was worth it for such a happy evening for my kiddos. :)

There were bouncy houses galore outside, and inside, games galore. Once of which involved a “fish walk,” and wouldn’t ya know it: Chicklet WON!

This was particularly kismet, as she’s been BEGGING for a fish (knowing she’d never get a dog or cat out of us) for two years, and we could never just pull the trigger and go for it.

Lo and behold…luck gave us a major push! She was ECSTATIC.

Smart girl selected a really pale goldfish, as she knows the young ones don’t have their color yet, and she was already plotting for it to have a good, long life at our house, ha.

Before we’d left the premises at the close of the carnival, she’d already named it Twinkles, teachers had received introductions, the siblings were all taking turns carrying it, and it was a happy, momentous occasion. 

More bonus pics from the carnival…


Fast forward to this morning, when the kiddos woke, totally chomping at the bit to buy a better, bigger home for Twinkles, some food (because they were convinced she was starving), and perhaps even a friend or two for her tank.

MAN, did their demands escalate. But who could say no to these mischievous faces???

We ended up having a really fun and lively family morning going out to breakfast—which is something we never really manage…

And then heading to the pet store to get a major fish education and stock up on supplies.


As it turns out, Twinkles the goldfish isn’t suited to be our household pet, and the employees at the pet store really wish they wouldn’t be given away at carnivals. Because, apparently, Twinkles might grow to be 14 inches long and really needs to live in a pond. Yikes!

We learned that we can bring Twinkles back to them, and they’ll release her in a pond for us, and in the meantime, we learned about setting up a proper environment to bring some new fishy friends home next weekend, once our water is totally acclimated.

Hello, new aquarium.

I was pretty scared if the bright, obnoxious items each kiddo selected for the aquarium, but I gotta say, the end result was really vibrant and fun. And perfectly suited for the playroom. :)

Chicklet even hilariously set some of the fake pink plants beside Twinkles during the hour or so we were setting up the aquarium so Twinkles could get used to the color, tehe.

After only a few curse worlds and annoyance over parts we couldn’t understand…the hubby and I got it all set up. Victory!

Then an hour later, the water was safe for Twinkles and we made the big transfer. Woohoo!

She’s been happily exploring all afternoon and evening, and she snagged some of the food Chicklet dropped in. So all is well. She’s even created an adorable little habit of swimming in the current up by the filter, ha.

Twinkles will have a lovely life at our house for the next week, and then we’ll bring her back to the pet store and select three new fish (one for each kiddo), as the water will then have the proper bacteria (I know nothing of the technicalities here; I’m just doing as we were instructed) to bring them home.

So…yay (I suppose??) for family fishy friends! A gateway into pets, but certainly the easiest one we can manage for the time being, ha.

Here’s hoping our new friends bring TONS o’ smiles to my crazies.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. Even though this was an unexpected addition to the casa, I think we did a bang-up job with our selections. It’s really gorgeous at nighttime!

P.P.S. Between the carnival last night, a packed fishy morning, an afternoon spent doing the hard work of cleaning out and hosing down the garage, a donation run, and an evening playground play date with some new neighborhood friends…I can barely feel my legs. Advil, here I come!

P.P.P.S. Some pics of the Harry-themed class basket for the auction! It was fun to assemble. :)

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