Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Fiesta Parade Floats—2022!

Hellooooooo, peeps, from the heart of Fiesta activities here in San Antonio!!!

What, pray tell, is Fiesta, you might ask???

Welp. Here is an official googled answer:

But my non-googled answer is that Fiesta is a really lively series of days, unique to San Antonio, and it’s a beautiful display of cultural heritage and a really big deal, ha.

When we first moved here in 2019, our heads were still spinning when Fiesta rolled around. I was tres confused about the holiday, and even more confused about the fact that it what such a major event that it necessitated a parade at school, massive classroom parties, and a day off of school. I mean, talk about a celebration done right!

I so clearly remember the shock and awe like it was yesterday:

Alas…COVID life really tampered the Fiesta spirit these past two years—to the point that the event was cancelled, rescheduled, and ultimately, not even celebrated at school.

So here we are, after a two year hiatus, back and ready to LIVE. IT. UP.

As I mentioned, tomorrow is chock full of special activities at school—the first of which is a Fiesta parade, first thing in the morning. Parents are welcome to attend as spectators and the kiddos are encouraged (but not required) to make parade “floats” of their choosing to wheel around the campus.

It’s an adorable hot mess express event, and my kiddos were SO pumped to fashion their floats.

I learned a few things by observation back in 2019 (when we used a shoe box we attempted to mount on a skateboard, ha). This year, I bought craft boxes and wooden sticks and wheels to affix to the bottom. Attach string to pull it around, and, voila! Our structure was established.

Complete with tiny bracelet-making rubber bands to keep the wheels in place without prohibiting any spinning movement, tehe. ;)

I LOVE how predictably loyal my babies are to the things they love. Each kiddo selected their float theme in about two seconds flat.

Chicklet went with animals (specifically, her beloved elephants):

I procured an adorable family set of four that we affixed with command strips so she can take them off and keep them for play time fun after the parade.

We printed off a picture from online, laminated it, and affixed it to a fun accordion decoration I had on hand from her bday party, actually.

It turned out so cute, it so perfectly HER, and she was tickled pink over the result.

No shock here, either…Little Man selected Mario for his theme. :)

Side note: it’s gonna SLAY me when he finally looses his first tooth (and he’s got four loose right now!). He’s been much slower on this front that the girlies were, and I am just NOT READY for my youngest baby to eventually have a gap-toothed smile and big boy teeth! Gahhhhhh.

We made a mini race track road for his cars, and he got a big kick out of it.


All three of the floats look so fun from behind, thanks to the big accordion decorations. :)

Lastly…and also, no surprise here: Chica selected a Harry theme. :)

It’s so lovely and colorful and I’m just THRILLED she was still so excited to create and display a float and not yet in the stage of feeling too old for it. Amen, Halleluiah!

Not gonna lie…it took several hours to put these three floats together! A decent bit of work, for sure.

But considering Chicklet missed out on this event during kindergarten because of pandemic lockdown, and this is Little Man’s first elementary year, it felt right to really put some heart and fun in to it. With three beautiful floats as a result. :)

Love my crazy babies and I’m SO looking forward to a bang-up day of school-time fun tomorrow.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I get to help throw Little Man’s class Fiesta party, and even though it required a decent bit of prep work, I’m thrilled to be a part of the day for him during his kindergarten year.

These are the golden years, peeps. And we’re soaking it all in!

Happy Hump Day!

Over and out. 

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