Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Chica’s Pop Show Choir Performance!

You see this super duper cutie pie right here???

She has been such a happy little songbird this year!

I suppose it’s only fitting, considering she kicked off this 4th grade school year of hers with an invitation to participate in a special convocation choir that was such a lovely experience:

In our particular elementary, 4th and 5th graders have the option to participate in an official choir throughout the year—above and beyond the general music class. For this opt-in choir, they stay after school one day a week for rehearsal, and put together a handful of performances throughout the year.

And tonight’s performance—a conglomeration of current pop songs, woohoo!—was the finale. :)

I am so stinking proud of my girl for two main reasons.

First, she tackled this performance not once but twice (Monday, for the school; Tuesday for the parents), just days after breaking that poor arm of hers. And despite a lot of swelling and bruising and discomfort, she powered through without a second thought, executing all the adorable choreography with a truly happy smile. :)

Second, I’m so ridiculously proud of her because she decided to try out for—and got!—a solo during the performance. And again, she tackled it like a pro, without nerves, and so calm and happy that I legitimately shed some happy tears. Like, they were just leaking out of my eyeballs.

It really was such a treat as a parent to witness Chica’s natural joy throughout this whole performance. Pop songs are totally in her wheelhouse, and she’s got an adorable little rhythm and way with the choreography. It was just a JOY, start to finish, and a fantastic way to cap off the school year, musically speaking. :)

On a related note, I have just been so proud of my girl for continually putting herself out there this year, and opting in or trying out for many things that peak her interest.

I already have several friends with kiddos a Chica’s age who are refusing participation in anything and everything, and it makes me so happy to see my girl find such entertainment in the things that interest her, without any of the pre-teen dour attitude.

Beyond the choir solo, Chica recently “auditioned” to be part of the 5th grade “tech team” for the school—and got in! (More on that later.) She’s also starting piano and violin lessons this summer (her request!) from her wonderful school music teacher, and she’s so dang pumped.

I’ve got a slew of other summer activities all three kiddos will be trying out, and I’m just so grateful for their ongoing positive attitudes regarding so many of these diversions.

So…yay, for ending Chica’s 4th grade choir experience on a high note (tehe, pun intended), and here’s to much more fun in the future!

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out.

P.S. A cute pic of Chicklet showing off some of her artwork at school. ;)

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