Saturday, May 21, 2022

My Sonic Son

Well, peeps.

I’m a little behind on some posting this week, but more on that later.

For now, let’s just rewind a couple of days and talk about this handsome devil right here, m’kay??? M’kay.

Thursday afternoon, Chica was at school for an end-of-year choir party. 

Chicklet was at school for a special 2nd grade girl party.

And I had some super-precious and rare alone time with my Little Man.

And I am 100% A-okay with admitting that I used this super-duper unicorn time to…buy my son’s affection. 

Yep siree. I did it. Don’t regret it. And I’d do it again.

‘Cause my six-going-on-sixteen (most days) son held my hand the entire way into the store and my Mama heart was HAPPY. :)

For some context: last weekend, our family discovered the joy of the Sonic movies (yes, I know, we’re a bit late to this whole love affair), and now it’s all Sonic, all the time. Thankfully, this is one franchise the hubby and I can enjoy, as well, so we’re just gonna roll with it for awhile.

So, naturally, we were at the store looking for some Sonic pajamas to celebrate the end of the school year. And we found the mother-load. 

Not only did we find several pj options, but this stinking adorable hat, as well (and Little Man was actually in need of a new one for the summer, as he’s definitely outgrown all his old ones).

Love this stinking kind. Even when he’s capitalizing on my happy Mama mood and shopping goodwill, ha. 

It was a really lovely—but short—hour together, just Mama and son. And I’m so grateful these days for any alone time that I can get.

Little did I know, my boy and I would end up with a LOT more quality time yesterday, thanks to a raging case of pink eye (for him). Oye.

He routinely suffers from allergies in a major way, but the last couple of days, it’s been hitting his eyes hard, which was a bit unusual.

By yesterday morning, my Mama gut was telling me this was above and beyond. Poor dude did not look well. :( (Though amazingly outfitted in his Sonic gear, ha.)

One doctor’s visit and an antibiotic eye drop prescription later, and we settled in for some movie and iPad snuggle time (Sonic movie and Sonic iPad game, naturally, ha).

Even when it’s due to illness, I’m so grateful to have a bit of quasi-quality time with any of my babies, and it was nice for this round to be with my son, who I still miss so much from his preschool days when he was often my daytime buddy.

He has taken to elementary school this year like a fish to water. Seriously, it’s absolutely comical to remember we that, last May, he was just graduating from Pre-K.

He’s whip smart, a fun but attentive student, and so charismatic that he charms all the people, all the time. He tested into an accelerated learning program, was selected for a year-long Student to Student program that helps new students (particularly children in military families) acclimate to a new school, and he snagged one of those amazing character awards.

I really am so stinking proud of my boy. There are so many things awaiting him in the years to come. More academic challenges and sports and music and art and friendships and opportunities to be an example and friend to others. 

I love him to bits and pieces and bits (contagious eyeballs, and all), 

Happy Saturday, peeps!

More later.

Over and out. 

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