Friday, May 27, 2022

Out With A Fizzle

Well, peeps.

We did it.

We completed the school year.

But I gotta say: this one didn’t exactly end with a celebratory vibe. Instead, the school year just sort of fizzled out today, and it was weird.

On a larger scale, as a parent and a human, it’s just been really hard this week to feel any sense of giddiness or joy, given the tragedy that occurred. I’ve spoken to many parents who are finding it hard to lean in to the high vibe of ending a school year right now when so many families are suffering the worst imaginable.

On a personal scale, our crew has just sort of been battling random setbacks this past week or two. Between Chica’s broken arm and all the related fallout, and then Little Man’s pink eye, we were already limping toward the school finish line. Then yesterday afternoon, the hubby tested positive for COVID and it sort of threw us for an additional family loop.

In the end, we didn’t even send the kiddos for their final half day of school today, as it was nothing but recess and silly fun (after nine prior school days of lots of extra fun and celebration and activities), because nobody is feeling top-notch (even though it likely won’t end up being COVID for the rest of us) and we just didn’t want to risk infecting anyone. Not exactly a great summer sendoff, amiright?

Add to all of that the fact that we had to cancel our major Hawaii plans a little over a week ago, which was disappointing and time-consuming. Then we pulled ourselves together and managed to reschedule a tiny little replacement getaway to Colorado with flights leaving tomorrow morning…that we had to cancel today, again.


Just feeling a little like throwing in the towel and hunkering down for a day or two. And I think that’s okay.

I’ll be the first to admit that I loved my babies extra today, but I wasn’t necessarily the highest caliber parent. I let myself be a little down in the dumps, and sometimes, I think it’s alright for kiddos to see that, and understand that it’s perfectly normal.


I’m SO grateful that, before showers this evening, I hauled my crazies outside for some of the modified driveway tennis we’ve really been enjoying, and it was just the thing to lift our spirits, make us smile, and let us bask in that 8 p.m. summer dusk lighting that is so unique and wonderful.

Tomorrow, when I’m in better spirits, I hope to pull together either a Best Of post for our school year or Summer Intentions post, because there really is so much to be grateful for, and to look forward to.

Until then, hoping the hubby can continue to power through his yuckiness and feel better, and that my kiddos can behave as I’m flying solo and trying to get back to that glass half full mentality.


Over and out. 

P.S. I opened the garage door this morning to a…TARANTULA. Yup. That’s right. A freaking TARANTULA.

Neighbors have seen them, but I hadn’t been blessed with the experience, yet. And just…NOPE. Though I have to say, it didn’t terrorize me as much as I thought it would (perhaps scorpions and their horrors have desensitized me?), but still…HECK. NO.

You better bet I hauled the COVID hubby outside to gather up that little fuzzy crawly dude in a shoe box and redistribute him to the lower tier of our backyard. And that felt generous. If I’d found one inside, I can’t say I would have been on board with a relocation program.

Insert full body shiver. 


We’ve now had the horrific trifecta of scorpions, red-headed centipedes, and tarantulas…OH MY. South Texas, you test me.

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