Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Swimming End To VBS

Well, peeps.

This past week didn’t go at all according to plan—for me.

Struck down with COVID, unable to volunteer for VBS, waving my kiddos off each morning (with a mask) from a distance. Just…booooo.


The wonderful news is that the week went absolutely according to plan for my babies.

They had a fantastic time at VBS, looked forward to it every day, had so much fun with existing school friends and new group members and team leaders, and they’ll have nothing but positive associations with it all year long…until it rolls around again next June.

It’s a huge source of joy for me as a mother—a Christian mother—that they have these positive experiences with their home church, and I hope we can keep it going as they age :)

I’d always planned to cap off the week with some swim fun to celebrate making it through the fun but chaotic days and the HEAT. And though I couldn’t extend the gathering as big as I would have liked, considering how recent I was to my quarantine time, we still managed to have one little family over, who’s recently been through COVID themselves, and it was just the perfect way to end the week.

This little friend of Chicklet’s was in her class this year at school, and I adore her mother (which is always a bonus when your kiddos make friends). It was pure coincidence that all of our children ended up enrolled at VBS, and it just made these two cutie pies so, dang happy to spend their days together:

Chicklet’s little friend also has an older brother who just aged in to being able to volunteer at VBS as a helper to some of the younger kiddos. And he actually ended up working with the incoming first graders and got to spend time with Little Man all week. So he came along for the swim time, too, and all five kiddos had a blast—and us Mamas got some lovely adult time ourselves. :)

I know we have such a mixed bag of love/hate/truckloads of baggage with this home of ours in SA, but on summer days like this, when we can invite friends over, flip on the pool fountain, lounge on the deck and splash and swim to our hearts’ content, I feel very blessed indeed.

We continued the good social vibes today with a fun little play date for Little Man and one of his classmates, and Chica also got to attend a friend’s birthday party play date tonight, as well. So all has been busy, busy, busy. No rest for the weary any longer, ha. 

We have a handful of other little get-togethers in the coming days, as it seems we’ve hit a sweet spot where all of us are in town and have a window of availability, so we’re going to soak it up as much as possible.

SO looking forward to celebrating the hubby tomorrow for Father’s Day, and hopefully enjoying some more sun and family time.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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