Sunday, June 19, 2022

Father’s Day—2022

Well, peeps.

Our crew had a lot of great family time today—just cooking and swimming and watching TV together. And we tried to make the hubby feel extra-special today for…FATHER’S DAY!

Coming out of my yucky quarantine, I was grateful to have tucked away a traditional gift for the hubby awhile ago, since I didn’t really have any time to shop.

But I also wanted to tackle a second, more sentimental gift, and saw the cutest little idea online that was easy and fun to pull together without having to leave the house much.

It involved buying some oversized letters to spell “DAD” (yay, for Amazon overnight delivery, ha) and having the kiddos pose for pictures. Then I had them printed off and put them in a triple-frame and it actually turned out so stinking cute. Plus, the kiddos had such a blast sneaking outside with me one evening to take the pics when Daddy wasn’t paying attention.

The glare on the glass make this pic below a little blurry, but it’s such an adorable frame all put together. And the best part is that it’s double-sided, so I was able to select not one but two of my favorite pics of the kiddos and put one on each side. That way, when the hubby takes it to work, he gets to stare at these stinking adorable faces from behind his desk, but so do any visitors to his office. :)

I think he really dug it, so…win/win.

I’ve said it a million times on this here blog, but I’ll say it again today for posterity’s sake: I hit the lottery with the hubby as just such a good human and amazing Daddy. He is the silly and the joy and the best playmate for our kiddos and the most solid partner in all aspects of our crazy parental life.

I couldn’t be the mother I am without him fulfilling his role with such flair, and our kiddos love him like mad.

To all the daddies out there who make life so joyful: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!

And to all those who might be missing a father today, I’m thinking of you, too. 

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out.

P.S. Check out this cute pic that showed up on my phone today. It’s four years ago in June. :) Our babies were so tiny!

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