Saturday, June 4, 2022



After two days of terrorizing us with his precariously-hanging tooth, that other one on the top finally came out, so now Little Man officially has that gap-tooth grin I lurv SO much. :)

Such a quintessential right of childhood passage, yes??? :) 

I won’t post the slightly-nauseating pic of how he was pushing it at an unnatural angle for the last 48 hours or you’ll yell at me from afar. But you can zoom in and see it sort of hanging in the pic below:

Please note how crazy and mischievous they all three look right there. They’d stolen daddy’s phone and were sending me taunting messages from it (including one hilarious video that ended with them dissolving into giggles, tehe).

It’s the simple things in life, peeps. :)

Especially SUMMER life.

Happy Saturday!

Over and out. 

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