Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Test Kitchen Tuesdays—Strawberry Shortcakes!

Well, peeps.

Remember that glorious solitude I waxed poetic about a few weeks ago??? 

Yeah, it’s been blown to smithereens, ha.

My favorite catchphrase at the moment: Mama’s overstimulated. Ha. Man, is the transition from school year to summer an INTENSE one.

Seriously, we just JUMPED right into the insanity, but we’re rolling with it and channeling the crazy as much as possible!

Tomorrow, I hope to pull together an overview post regarding our summer plans, but for now, lemme just say that we won’t exactly be struggling to fill our time. 

If anything, we’ve got a really jam-packed and fun couple of months ahead, and some of our favorite activities from summers past are making appearances once again.

Like…Test Kitchen Tuesdays! (But on Wednesday, today, ha).

Remember these insane little chefs???

It’s awesomesauce how much my crazies (emphasis on the CRAZY, this afternoon) enjoyed this activity last year. Needless to say, they were totally ready to pick it back up again. 

And no better time that be present, amiright? ;)

We were kind of off the rails (and on the countertops) from the get-go, ha.

You can probably read the mood of the kitchen from all the silly smiles. :)

Gotta say…the biscuits turned out amazing. Strawberries were a tiny bit tart (not our fault), but we gave a thumbs-up to the finished product. Woohoo!

Looking forward to working this activity into our schedule during the weeks we’re in town this summer. It’s always a wild bit of entertainment and something happy for our tummies.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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