Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Vail 2022–Day 2

Oh my heavens, peeps. 

As the weather forecast back home in San Antonio shows 104 degrees for this upcoming weekend, we continue to bask in blue skies, heavenly temps and as much outdoor time as humanly possible here in VAIL. :)

Our headlining event for the day was horseback riding about 20 minutes outside of town, and I’d say an afternoon spent riding through the Rockies in 75-degree weather is PURR. FECT. SHUN.

There were several moments during our lengthy ride when I turned my head up to the sun like a flower basking in warmth, closed my eyes (yes, a bit risky for a novice on a horse in the mountains but I was feelin’ my gratitude) and sent up a prayer of thanks for nature, and the chance to replenish body and mind in such a gorgeous environment.

The kiddos had such a blast, and were total champs—especially in the first few minutes of our ride when we had to go off trail and things went hilariously hot mess express for a bit. Good times, peeps. Good times. :)


Enjoy another day’s worth of pics. I’ll rewind from the beginning and show breakfast, horseback riding (at Bearcat Stable) more beautiful time in Vail Village (including a creek-side dinner), and an evening playground romp to cap things off.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

These two and their pestering of one another…it’ll be a miracle if they make it through the summer!

Oh! And because I know someday the kiddos will want to remember, here’s a record of our horse’s names:

Little Man’s—Miles

And I gotta say, each horse totally fit their rider.

My girl, Rose, was a total pro at the drive-by snack; grabbing some tasty grass without skipping a beat on the trail. Plus, she had some awesomesauce grey hair in her mane. ;)

The hubby’s Bubba was sort of doing his own brilliant thing the whole time. Always a bit behind, then rushing to keep up without anyone the wiser as the caboose of our traveling group.

Chloe (Chica’s) was quite refined and rarely out of line. 

And—shocker—Miles and Ronan couldn’t decide who got to be in front in the lineup. Always neck and neck. Tehe.

The hubby cuts a fine figure on a horse, if I do say so myself. ;) 

Too bad he’s an engineer-type through and through, ha. He even shot off a text to a colleague (via Siri) during a quick lull in the ride, regarding a pressing matter regarding blah, blah, insert technical jargon that makes him sound like the smarty he is.

The juxtaposition was hysterical.

I love him for working so hard for our family and finding pockets of time to deal with his responsibilities without taking away from our family time. It’s a juggle, always, and I’m grateful he can pull it off.

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