Monday, July 18, 2022

Explode Into Science—Woohoo!

Okay, peeps.

I can’t believe I’m typing this, but my crew is OFFICIALLY in the homestretch of summer.


We literally have only THREE WEEKS left until it’s back-to-school week, and that’s just nutty!

Moreover, we’ve got a fun and entertaining schedule for these final weeks, so it’s going to pass in the blink of an eye.

On this week’s agenda: science camp!

The kiddos are enrolled in an “explode into science” camp that involves…you guessed it: exploding things, ha.

The emphasis is literally on messy, explosive, fun science experiments, and my kiddos came home talking a mile a minute about all that they did today. :) Fantastic.

Chica even dressed for the occasion today. :)

This particular science camp is through our school district, and it’s only from 1-4 in the afternoon, which is a perfectly manageable stretch.

Originally, I thought an afternoon camp was pretty stinky timing and that morning would be best. But, honestly, this morning was wonderful.

It was SO great to have a lazy wake-up and some quality snuggle and home time in the morning with NO rush whatsoever. Such a change from all of our other summer activities that have kicked off first thing in the morning.

Most days this week, we’ll spend some quality time at home for the first few hours, then meet the hubby for an early lunch. Then off the crazies go for some science fun!

I’m so grateful (and I even sat them all down tonight to tell them this) that my kiddos are still game for all of the activities I throw their way.

Obviously, I try to tailor things toward their existing interests (hello, Monday Science Fun days paving the way for their ongoing love of experiments). But I’m still so proud that they will generally go with the flow, and that the reviews of most of what they try are two thumbs up.

It’s an all-around win when they can stay happy and entertained and not be too lazy during our summer months. And then it makes our down time all the more special.

Down time like…coming home from science camp and jumping straight in the pool! Woohoo!

(Side note: Little Man finally lost his final wiggly tooth last night! So now with two top and two bottom teeth gone at once, he has the best giant gap in his smile, and I lurv it. Though I’m pretty sure I’m gonna cry when he has big boy teeth in their places ha.

In this raging inferno of Hot as Hades summer, I’m endlessly grateful for our pool. It’s something I never sought out in a home—at all—but it’s been such a blessing for us, and a way to manage to be outdoors during this hellish summer months, without collapsing of heat exhaustion!

And, obviously, it’s great activities for my crazies.

So here’s to our week of slower mornings and fun science afternoons—and as much swim time as we can cram in!

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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