Saturday, July 9, 2022

Little Man’s Harry Milestone

Well, peeps.

We did it!!!

We hit another Harry milestone, and accomplished one of our summer reading goals: LITTLE MAN FINISHED THE FIRST BOOK!!! Woohoo!!!

All thanks to our in-between-travel-and-camps, low-key week at home. We spent a LOT of quality time reading, and it was glorious.

And—bonus—he got to watch the movie!

He’d already seen the first half of the movie (a few months ago, when we were honing in on the final leg of the book), but he was SO pumped to finally see the whole thing from beginning to end—and to be in on all the secrets. :)

Love these kiddos—and the fun of trying to keep their summer reading full steam ahead.

Something else requiring full steam: family tennis!

We had a quintessential summer night yesterday, letting the kiddos stay up late to play some rounds up at our neighborhood court. It was glorious. And had the added bonus of wearing everybody out for a late bedtime.

I’ve spent the day regrouping for our departure to Oklahoma for our summer grandparent time. It consisted of a lot of boring cleaning and packing and laundry, but look! Something nearly as momentous as Little Man finishing the first Harry: the sight of the bottom of our laundry baskets! It’s a MIRACLE, ha.

Too bad it never stays that way for more than a single day. Oye.

And, finally, one last momentous event: look at the status I achieved this week, ha. I worked real hard for it (wink wink). 

Ready for the next wave of our summer adventure tomorrow. 

More, mañana!

Over and out. 

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