Monday, July 11, 2022

Summer Oklahoma Fun 2022—OKC

Hellooooo, from Oklahoma!

We’re here for our fifth-annual July round of grandparent fun, and I’m pretty sure it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement (and it might just be fun to try)—not that it isn’t just as hot back home, but still!

The kiddos and I drove all the live long day yesterday, with just enough pit stops to make it bearable. And then we were up and at it again this morning to drive down to OKC to see younger bro, his wife, and my stinking adorable little niece before my sister-in-law had to be out of town for the rest of the week for work.

Major victory from the get-go: my smiley little niece, up from her nap and agreeable for pictures! Too often, I fail in my attempt to remember, or to snag a successful shot of Nanna with all her grand kiddos, am this one is pretty golden, if I do say so myself. :)

I love how Chica is inching closer to Nanna’s height, tehe.

Bonus shots with younger bro thrown in the mix…

And a silly selfie with me added in…

Cutie girl cousins…

Tiny pigtails!

And all of us ready for a swim at the neighborhood pool in the heinous heat…

Only to discover the pool was CLOSED today. Gahhhh.


When your car is currently reading the following temp…

…and when you’ve taken the time to slather a handful of kiddos and adults in sunscreen, you FIGURE OUT A WATER PLAN. Ha.

Sprinklers were set up temporarily while we came up with Plan B.

You really can’t get more classic summer than this:

Eventually, we drove down the street to a splash park, and it did the trick!

Such a styling little cutie…

It’s hysterical how foggy my pictures got because even my phone couldn’t handle the heat, ha.

I love this cousin shot:

Later, around dinnertime, the boys got into some video games, and Little Man was VERY happy:

Despite the holy inferno of heinous heat, it was such a lovely visit and I’m so glad we got time with the little nugget to kick off our week’s visit.

More fun mañana, peeps.

Until then…OVER AND OUT.

P.S. Bonus shots of our arrival yesterday and our late evening stroll to the pond to stretch our legs after all that car time.

I love how thoughtful Chicklet is about her clothing choices. ;)

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