Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Summer Oklahoma Fun 2022–Woolaroc/Pawhuska

Oh my goodness, peeps.

I don’t think we could have crammed any more into this day if we tried! But it was a happy one, centered around our now fourth-annual, summer drive into the heart of Oklahoma.

If we’re doing anything right (and I feel like we are, because the kiddos seem to really enjoy this event each year) this excursion is equal parts educational and recreational. And I hope we can keep it going for many years to come. :)

If you’re interested in more details about this museum and wildlife preserve, just Google the name, and I’m sure you’ll get much more in the way of sophistication that I can provide on this here blog, ha.

Arm yourself with a map, then open up the sun roof and the animal adventure can truly begin!

My kiddos seriously love spotting all the wildlife listed on their maps. Every year, they hunt for each and every one, and get lots of up close and personal views. :) I lurv this shot of Chica.

It’s become tradition to bring our own sack lunches and dine outside in the recreational area. The kiddos love playing and eating, and it’s always great for them to stretch their legs after the drive.

But the MAJOR news of the day: whereas my car temperature was reading 122 degrees yesterday (I mean…NOPE), today, it was reading 85 degrees when we pulled into Woolaroc! That’s a 37 degree difference, people!!! I mean…talk about a MIRACLE.

And look…a BREEZE!!! Blowing through my hair!!!!

Last year, we were literally piles of sweating, melting heinousness. But this year, we could tolerate it!! Low to mid 90’s felt like a freaking cool wave!!


Love this up-close-and-personal shot Little Man snagged:

This was one of Chicklet’s favorite little animal friends of the day.

Look! And cutie-pie little BABY!

After lunch, playground and animal time, we always transition over to the actual museum (after Mama’s forced pics, ha).

I love hose sentimental this place has become to us, now. It’s a joy to make it to this stage in our day, and to see the kiddos actually pretty excited for a museum, ha. And not just the gift shop! ;)

I, personally, have an absolute, hands-down favorite piece of artwork within the museum. This giant, probably 10 foot by 10 foot painting of a Navajo Fire Dance that’s just incredible. The lighting, the detailed musculature of the dancers. Amazing. Truly.

And I’ve learned over the years that I must be drawn to this particular artist because there are two other massive paintings I adore that happened to be sourced from the same individual.

The detail is just insane. Especially within the musculature of each and every human depicted in incredible action.

Again…I’m so glad this has accidentally become a tradition for my crew and I hope it lasts for a long time to come.

Next up…the drive over to Pawhuska to visit Pioneer Woman’s neck of the woods. This is always the rowdiest part of the day when everybody’s half-delirious and then hyped up on oodles and gobs of sugar. The pics get real fun and lively during this stop, ha.

Behaving themselves so well…

So very civilized. NOT.

Checking on his newest loose tooth:

So grateful for another chock-full day of memory-making for the kiddos. 

But now I’m SO ready for some sleep! And not to be in the car for any length of time for the next couple of days!

So, happy Tuesday, peeps!

More mañana.

Over and out. 

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