Sunday, September 18, 2022

A Complete (Spooky) Reset

Okay, peeps.

It was a solid weekend with a surprising mix of grueling house-and-yard work, mixed in with lots of fun family down time.

And that’s a combo I can get on board with.

The interior Halloween decorations have allllll been set (though I have no doubt we’ll had more odds and ends as the weeks progress, ha), the house has been cleaned from top to bottom—literally—to banish any lingering germs, and I’m READY to slay this week with a far better mentality than last, ha.

Oh, and we got to end the night with the exciting launch of our original and still-FAVORITE baking show. Squeeeeeee!

Any time I feel like we’re too far ahead of the curve with our spooky tendencies, I just look around at any store, or queue up one of these shows that’s already on. Or—and this was really exciting!—I can remind myself of he skeleton that already appeared at a house down the road. Woohoo!

Next week, exterior fun it is.

Oh! And Little Man birthday celebrating, too!

It’s gonna be a GOOD week, peeps! Even if I have to MAKE IT BE SO.

Happy Sunday!

Over and out. 

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