Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Another (Times SIX) Harry Milestone!

Okay, peeps.

BIG deal.

I mentioned a week or two ago that Chica and I finished the fifth Harry book.

MAJOR news, I know!

Then this past weekend, Chica had a glorious time watching the corresponding movie (in installments over three days, since it’s tough to work it in to the schedule without excluding Chicklet and Little Man for long stretches of time).

I can pretty much guarantee she’ll watch it about a hundred thousand more times over the next few months—along with re-reading certain bits of the book, which she’s already doing.

Meanwhile…we started the SIXTH FREAKING BOOK today!!!

I’m not gonna lie: it’s getting me TOTALLY emotional that we’re on the next-to-the-last book in the series!!! 

Worse, still: the fifth book is, of course, the longest. So after working our way through such a massive tome (nearly 900 pages!!) I feel like we’re going to breeze through this sixth one, lickety split (‘cause it’s only, like, 700-something pages, and that’s easy breezy, right?? Ha.)

As all fans know, it’s just major, major, MAJOR, from here until, well…the end!! There are no inconsequential bits moving forward, and I just love that we’ve made it this far along our journey.

It’s been three years and about three months to make it through five hefty books. And I have a secret goal of trying to finish these final two before Chica launches middle school next fall.

Who knows if it will happen?

We try not to put any pressure on our Harry reading—and that goes for Chicklet and Little Man, as well, who are both trucking along at different parts of the second book. :)

But I know one thing for sure: my kiddos are really cementing themselves as AVID readers. ALL THREE. 


Case in point: this evening, after dinner, while I was cleaning up the kitchen, it got awfully silent upstairs. Which is typically not a good sign.

Me: Hey, why is everybody so quiet up there???

Chica: ‘Cause we’re all reading!!

Me: (*Quietly sobbing over the dishes whilst shoving the hubby upstairs to snap a pic.)

And…mic drop.

My work here is done. 


Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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