Friday, September 23, 2022

More Sick Ick For Little Man

Well, peeps.

More germs have struck poor Little Man.

Yesterday, after school, his eyes just didn’t look so great. And when I sent him and his sissies upstairs for a few minutes of time out (a whole different story), I discovered him five minutes later…

All bundled up, and fast asleep.

And as stinking adorable as he looked, all burrowed like that, I knew immediately that he must be ill. Because my kiddos never rest or nap unless they’re sick. Period. 

I checked on him every few minutes, and expected him to wake. But he just keep shifting and sleeping on…more signs of being sick.

I let him rest for an hour and a half before I finally had to rouse him to check on him, and sure enough: temperature. :(

He was my bed buddy throughout the night, then this morning, the poor dude threw up.

He spent the entire day in bed, the fever persisted, he threw up again—this time, walking into the pediatrician’s office—and is my bed buddy again tonight.

Poor dude.

His family birthday celebration is supposed to be on Sunday, and I really hope he can rally in time.

The extensive viral panel results already came back, and everything was negative. So either he’s got something random that’s under the radar…or it’s too early to test and we need to give the germs a bit longer to marinate.

So here’s hoping he’ll making a swift recovery and stay healthy this time. He’s had a rough two weeks.

And I’m saying some prayers that everyone else remains well, because Chicklet was giving off some slight “off” vibes tonight. Hmmm.

Happy (I hope!) Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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