Friday, September 30, 2022

Butterfly Migration!

Okay, peeps.

There are a lot o’ things that aren’t so great about living in South Texas.

Like the holy inferno of year-round heat (with one week devastating ice thrown in).

Or the plethora of nightmarish creepy crawlers, like red-headed centipedes and scorpions.


Every year, in late September, we experience the coolest thing that’s so unique to this area—at least compared to any other place we’ve lived:

The Butterfly Migration!

Apparently, millions of those fluttery beauties travel South toward Mexico this time of year, and San Antonio is smack dab in the middle of their path.

For a week now, we’ve had butterflies everywhere, all the time. But the migration truly hit its peak today—and I swear our back yard is pretty much the Butterfly Highway, because we can just stand at our windows and watch them fly by in droves. Droves, I tell ya!

It’s pretty much the coolest thing that I’ll never manage to capture in pictures, because the tiny little things are too fast and itty bitty to show up in photos.

I did take one pretty solid video though, today. So there’s that (just use your imagination, ha).

Oh! And totally wild: I pulled up an older post from two years ago, when we experienced the wonder of our first incredible migration, and would you just look at the date:

Isn’t nature a marvel???

Insane-in-the-membrane, I tell ya!

Oh—and last but not least: apparently, these are actually American Snout butterflies. I’ve always assumed they were monarchs, but I’ve read that those will be coming along in just a little bit.

Soooooo glad it’s Friday, peeps! And it’s been an active evening for all of us, so more on that later this weekend. :)

Over and out. 

P.S. It has to be said that the only downside to this butterfly experience is the terror of driving! It’s so hard to keep it straight and steady when you want to avoid crushing any of the little things!! But when they’re everywhere, there’s just no helping it!

P.P.S. Here’s a link to the post two years ago:

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