Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Godzilla, The Class Pet!

Hellooooo, peeps, from the Monday that’s actually a Tuesday!

Don’t you just LOVE short holiday weeks???

You know something else that’s great to love (you like how I created that segue right there?): pets you get to borrow and give back!

Enter: Godzilla.

Little Man’s first grade class hamster.

(And if there’s a cuter name for a hamster, I don’t know what it is.)

My kiddos have enjoyed a few class pets in the past (lots of fish, a bird or two and a turtle), but never a pet they could bring HOME for a special weekend.

So lemme tell ya how pumped they were to bring this little guy home—especially for an extra-long weekend.
It was fantastic leverage to hold over their little heads to keep their behavior on the up and up in the days prior to Godzilla’s home visit, ha.

It was hysterical to see Little Man lumbering to the car on Friday at school pickup, laden with his regular backpack, this giant cage, and a shoulder bag full of hamster food and supplies.

We spread out a blanket in the playroom and situated Godzilla’s cage right there in the center.

We were under the assumption we’d be able to coax him out for some snuggles and play, but…

Aside from luring him close to our hands with some food, he was extremely skittish and uninterested in coming out to play, ha.

He even bit the hubby on the finger when there was a gentle attempt at an extraction, ha.

Alas…the kiddos resigned themselves to staring longingly at Godzilla through his cage.

Worse still—the little dude was pretty active ONLY after nightfall. So the kiddos missed the best of his antics, but the hubby and I did what we could to take video highlights to share in the morning, oye.

Check out this hilarious pic of the hubby wearing a garden glove while attempting one further extraction. No luck, ha.

This fluffy dude was just happy in his living quarters all the live long weekend.

But we did cart him around the house a bit when the kiddos wanted to keep him close or give him a change of scenery. ;)

I received an adorable e-mail from Little Man’s teacher this evening with a thank you for our pet sitting, and the delivery of a cute little message.

Apparently, Little Man arrived at school this morning, handed Godzilla over and declared: “Thank goodness! We kept him alive and safe!”

What a relief. :)

So here’s to pet adventures that are super-adorable, and adorably-lackluster enough to hold off the process of securing a pet of our own. ;)

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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