Thursday, September 8, 2022

Spooky Season Kick-off!

Well, peeps.

Every year, like clockwork, during this first week of September, we just have to let our spooky freaky flag fly! The Halloween explosion must begin!

Of course, behind the pull of the calendar and the aisles stocked at Tar-jay, there’s always some igniting event that marks the day we bust out the old costumes and start rifling through our decoration boxes.

Last year, the event was finding some awesomesauce, soft Halloween pajamas at the grocery store, ha. It was all downhill (uphill, I say!) after that.

This year, it was a play date. ;)

Our little friends from down the street came over after school, the kiddos wanted to play with costumes and bake cookies, and…voila!

I now declare the Halloween 2022 season officially BEGUN!

Can’t wait to start busting out decorations for real this coming week. Muahahaha.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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