Thursday, September 15, 2022

Sick & Spooky & Tired!

Okay, peeps.

Remember on Monday, when I was all oooooh, I’m sorry my boy is sick, but it’s soooo nice to have him at home with me.



I mean…

Day 1 of Mama/son time was awesomesauce. 

Day 2, I was a bit twitchy about all that I needed to be doing, but couldn’t. 

Day 3 (Wednesday), I launched him back to school and thought it was a decent decision because it was a district-wide early release day. So he only had to make it through about a half day.

Yeah…not so much.

I mean, he was okay. Congested but tolerable.

But then Chicklet—who’d been ramping up her congestion and telltale signs of not feeling well—totally tanked.

BOTH had heinous nights, waking with terrible head pain. Crying, whimpering, suffering, poor things (us parents, too). And…kiddos ended up in our bed.

Needless to say, this morning when the alarm went off at 6 a.m., a mere two hours after the latest sick kid wake-up I was hella NOT rousing my exhausted, up-throughout-the-night babes for school.

So I threw in the towel, and knew I’d have a Day 4 sequestered home. Again.

The only thing that salvaged the situation is the fact that I kept Chica home, too (she’s pretty healthy; ironically, she powered through the worst of this gunk last week, but managed to go to school).

I just declared it a mental and physical FAMILY HEALTH day, we took some COVID tests (negative, thank heavens), and we hunkered down to try and GET FREAKING WELL.

We made it low key and fun, in a spooky, launching-more-Halloween way.

We ordered some food via delivery and dined on our festive plates…

I busted out one of my own favorite movies from
Halloweens of my childhood: Casper! The kiddos had never seen it and it was a major hit. They watched it twice today, actually. And it was the perfect blend of fun, quirky and only slightly spooky…but not really scary at all. They were the exact right age for it. 

My coffee run gave me a dose of positivity…

We tackled a Fall doodle…

And throughout the entire day, I slowly but surely unpacked a TON of our Halloween decorations and started spooking the place up while we were watching the movie (more pics to come).

To top things off, I had to finish the third and final parent/teacher conference at school this evening, and also had to run to Tarjay for something Chicklet needed for school tomorrow. And while I was there, I purchased our very first pumpkin of the season. Squeeeee!

In summary, this week has sort of been a shite show, if I’m honest. Interrupted sleep. Nobody feeling 100%. School absences and my own schedule tossed out the window to man the home front.

But…I did my best to turn lemons into lemonade, give all my babies a bit of TLC and downtime, and I know we’ll work to re-set ourselves over the weekend.

But in the meantime, EVERYONE is going to be at school tomorrow!

More over the next day or two as I catch up.

Happy ALMOST FRIDAY, peeps!

Over and out. 

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