Friday, October 21, 2022

Fall Friday (Good) Fortune!

Okay, peeps.

My body is hurting so badly right now I want to cry.

I’m in the home stretch of this Fall Fit Challenge though my Barre classes that involves 30 classes in 60 days, which is a more intense schedule than I prefer on that front. But…I’ve only got two more weeks until it’s done, and then I can relax a smidge (Amen, Hallelujah).

Add to all those sore muscles the fact that I spent 2.5 hours up at school this afternoon, decorating Little Man’s classroom and hallway for a fun bat-themed week they’re having, and EVERY single bit of that decorating involved squatting or standing on my tip toes (after climbing on desks and chairs) and holding stuff above my head to tack to the ceiling.

Have I mentioned my ENTIRE BODY HURTS???

It huuuuuuurts.

A lot.

And tomorrow’s gonna be busy, so there’s no rest for the weary quite yet.


I took my first bath (out of necessity; the sore muscles!) tonight in about a year, and it was glorious. And it inspired me to type up a list of alllll the lovely little things that made me smile today.

First and foremost, if you’re an unabashed Swiftie like me, you know the following is all that was important in the world today:

It was wonderful and comforting and hysterical and entertaining to run into several—several!—grown women of my age or older who wanted to talk of this album today. Two of whom, stayed up until midnight for the release, and I LURV it. A major day, for sure.

Next up…this was officially released a couple days ago, but we’ve been waiting on it for YEARS and I bought it today. Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!

The 5th Harry book in stunning illustrated format!!

It huuuuuurts (much like my body) that Chica JUST finished reading this book a couple months ago, and missed out on the illustrated fun.


She’s so excited to look through all the pictures tomorrow (and, of course, she’s already seen the movie), and Chicklet and Little Man will get to enjoy this version when the time comes. :)

Side note: this is a MASSIVE tome. It’s the longest book in the series, and in illustrated format, it’s the size of a dictionary.

Next up…I luuuuurv a good puzzle at the holidays, and the kiddos do, as well. I set this one up and started the framing of the outside today, and sure enough, the kiddos starting flocking to the dining table this evening when they discovered it. A happy group activity, for sure. :)

And lastly, for some official Friday (Good) Fortune news—that doesn’t have a picture, but was massively exciting: an insurance refund that we had no idea was coming!! Related to some medical bills of the hubby’s from TWO YEARS ago, and there are so many things wrong with this and the health insurance industry in general, that I don’t even know where to start, so I’ll just say, we’ll HAPPILY take our money back!!!


These next few weren’t specific to today, but the past couple of days, and brought me smiles.

My Winifred pumpkin, tehe.

I’ve been moving her around the house with me the past couple of days and she brings me great joy.

Time spent outdoors. :) The weather has been lovely and we’ve been outside A LOT. Play dates with friends, driveway tennis, grass checkers, bike riding. All good things.

Our empty pot of chili, ha. We’ve been cooking a LOT lately, and it’s a good thing.

Boo Basket fun! Give and you shall receive. ;) A neighbor Boo’ed us yesterday evening. Woohoo!

Holiday stamps! I don’t typically buy mine this early, but I was at the UPS store mailing something two days ago, saw these new ones for this year and snagged them right away. :)

UGH…something I saw online that I’m sooooooo going to attempt one of these years. How GORGEOUS is this Fall porch display??? Extra in alllll the ways I lurv. Goals, for sure!

Okay. I think that’s it!

All my happy odds and ends.

It’s been a busy week, peeps. And there’s a lot for us to tackle this weekend, but that’s just how it goes sometimes.

Still looking.l forward to NOT waking at 6 a.m.


Over and out. 

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