Tuesday, October 18, 2022

El Dia De Los Muertos Banner!

Helloooo, peeps, and Happy Tuesday!

I must admit, I’ve been in a bit of a low-key mood the past couple of days. Something about the change in weather (which I love, but still) gets me a little somber for a bit.

So I’ve been doing what I can to set us up for fun, quality evenings with a lot of seasonal joy. With just 12 sleeps ‘til Halloween, I’m feeling the urge to live it up as much as possible!

Yesterday, of course, we assembled and delivered our neighborhood Boo Bags and it was happy, happy, joy, joy.

And now, today, I let these adorable Squishmallows guide me along a Day of the Dead-themed path.

Blame these little treats for the kiddos on Chicklet, ha. 

Her class recently beat out all the other classes in the school during several fundraiser challenges, and one of their rewards is an upcoming pajama day, during which, they also get to bring a stuffed animal to school. 

My poor girl had A Moment last night, belaboring which animal to choose to bring (it’s a TOUGH choice for her, ha), and moreover, she wanted to select one, stat, because she prefers to sleep with that animal for several nights leading up to the school excursion.

It’s such an adorable, sweet little preference of hers. But one that definitely caused her angst, ha.

I was in the process of talking her through the Sophie’s Choice decision when we happened to discuss these adorable calavera Squishmallows we’d seen at our grocery store, and the idea of bringing it to school as her chosen stuffed animal (on Halloween, no less!) brought her big joy and relief.

So…indulged kiddos, here you go! 


I’ve found that, living here in San Antonio, El Dia De Los Muertos is a prominent holiday (on November 2nd this year), that often gets lumped into Halloween, though it’s a unique Mexican tradition with its own lovely customs.

There are a TON of coolio Day of the Dead decorations around our neck of the woods. Enough that you could absolutely doll up a whole house along these lines, entirely.

Alas. I’ve practiced great restraint, and by no means wish to appropriate a holiday, so the past couple of years, I’ve settled on tackling a little project or two to show a bit of celebration and acknowledgment.

Last year, we lurved this little project, and the kiddos even kept them, and have scattered them throughout the house again this season.

Now this go-‘round, our chosen project was a bit trickier due to some intricate cutting, but I loved the idea of it. A handmade paper banner—woohoo!

To start, we selected our guide design paper…

Folded it in half (just like you’d do to create a symmetrical snowflake)…

Then layered a colored piece of paper inside of it (securing it in place with a tiny piece of removable tape)…

And then we did our best to cut along the lines!

For whatever reason—perhaps the stuffed animal treats and just the excitement of a themed project—the kiddos had a lot o’ wild energy for the afternoon, ha.

Something helpful to carry them through tennis lessons tonight. ;)

So…yay, for creating another solid, happy, productive afternoon/evening. And here’s to rotating this low-key mood out for something a bit lighter. With the help of these activities, it’s bound to happen in no time!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out.

P.S. I’m so PUMPED that Nanna snagged some cute Halloween Squishmallows for her visit in a couple of weeks. They bring endless joy, and we haven’t purchased any Halloween-themed stuffed animals this year—shocker, ha.

Sometimes it’s obnoxious the number of plushies we have around the house, but I remind myself that the day will come when the kiddos aren’t so excited about them anymore, so we have to enjoy it while it lasts! ;)

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