Monday, October 17, 2022

Boo (Bags) For You!

Helloooo, and Happy Monday!

We powered through a fairly busy weekend—including our family pictures on Saturday, and then the fun, annual Fall festival at church yesterday. Add to that mountains of laundry, a huge chunk of work the hubby had to tackle, and the weekend seemed to fly by!

I’ll admit, I wasn’t quite ready for Monday to come ‘round again, but a major dip in temperatures (it was only 70 degrees today!) and some much-needed RAIN helped me get over the hump.

So what better way to kick off the week—and enjoy these cooler temps!—than to assemble and distribute some fun BOO Bags to neighbors?! :)

This is a fun little tradition we’ve loved for five years running (literally). Here are some of our past years’ antics:

The kiddos are always pumped to assemble, as they get to snag some odds or ends once we’ve filled the buckets, ha.

But, truly, our favorite part of this whole shebang is the super sneaky delivery of each bucket. The kiddos love to ring (doorbells) and run. It’s such a fun bit of exhilaration. :)

We even love to spy and see if neighbors come to the door to find their treat, tehe.

Such a lovely activity for this evening—followed by an Addams Family movie viewing while I made dinner.

So…let the record show, it was a solid Monday. Manageable homework, a fun activity, a home-cooked dinner, and happy kiddos.

Here’s hoping the solid vibes will continue!

Over and out. 

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