Saturday, October 15, 2022

Not Above (Family Photo) Bribery

Okay, peeps.

I’m just gonna keep it real, here, and make a confession:

Once a year (typically in October), when it’s time for our official family photo session with a genuine, skilled photographer, I go a little Bridezilla.

Or whatever the family photo equivalent of that is, ha. 

I mean…no matter how well I plan, how carefully I try to time the getting-ready process, no matter how I attempt to micromanage the colors coordination and family vibe, there’s always something that sets me off and makes be go nuclear, and today was no exception.

Ask my kiddos and hubby, who were more than happy to steer clear of my blast radius today, ha.

I don’t know what it is about this that gets me so keyed up???

Or, perhaps, I do.

It’s the simple fact that I cherish these annual photographs so very much, which means I care so very much about them going well.

And I’m not above bribery.

Like today, when I promised my kiddos a new downloaded game for their iPad if they’d just smile naturally, cooperate, and make it feel a notch below painful, ha.

As a side note: for the first time ever (ever, EVER), I came across a dress for myself first, because I just fell in love with the colors.

And then, for the first time since 2011 (I am NOT AT ALL JOKING, here), I got a gel manicure for the occasion:

You might think I’m exaggerating, but I am 100% serious. The last gel manicure I got was before our trip to Pinehurst for the hubby’s 30th birthday. Do the math.

Now. I adore a regular pedicure, and I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten one or two non-gel, plain old polish manicures in the past decade, but that’s seriously IT. I just ruin them too quickly.

So here’s hoping this won’t become a new must-have indulgence for me, ha. Maybe manicures in my forties will be my new thing. ;)

In other prepping-for-photos news…there are two times a year that I take my three crazies out with a mandate that we buy shoes (that are not tennis shoes): Easter and family pictures.

Since our schedules have been a bit busy lately, and we were out of town last weekend, we were a bit last minute with our shoe shopping this year.

But when we finally managed it on Thursday night, it was a riot (as always), we had the hubby along for the fun, and we came away with some rockin’ footwear. Tehe.

And lastly…on the positive front: I adore our photographer, who we’ve used for every session since we moved to San Antonio (and so do the kiddos, actually). And I particularly enjoy that fact that she’s accumulated a plethora of locations to recommend for really amazing, unique photos. And this year was no exception.

We were totally game for trying a new-to-her location of the Guadalupe River State Park and it was really peaceful and beautiful. One of my favorite spots, yet!

In fact, I was kind of bummed we didn’t bring a change of clothes, as it would have been great to let the kiddos play in their swim suits afterwards.

We definitely waded through the river, regardless, ha. Barefoot in dresses; who cares?!

So…in summary, the morals of this rambling post:

I love family pictures.

I don’t love turning into a rage-aholic for them, ha.

I’m not above bribery.

And I’m SO excited to see the results of another lovely session.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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