Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Extra-Curriculars Update

Well, peeps.

We’ve officially closed out the first nine weeks of the school year (!), so it’s safe to say we’re well into our groove. So I thought it might be time for a little activities/schedules update. :)

First and foremost, the kiddos are still really enjoying their weekly tennis lesson that takes place at our neighborhood tennis court. I shared an initial post about it a couple months ago, when they were starting up, in case you’re curious:

They have not once complained about going.

It’s a fantastic hour of cardio.

It’s so convenient for the instructor to come to our neighborhood (thus eliminating any travel time).

They really like their instructor.

Their skills are improving!

And they adore spending an extra 15-20 minutes after each lesson, just playing outside on the playground, with their various scooters or remote control cars or kites.

Honestly, even I’ve started to really savor this Tuesday evening time. I get to sit on a happy, shaded bench and catch up on a few things (like correspondence and blog posts), and finally enjoy the Fake Fall weather.

It’s not crisp in any way, shape or form, but the sun is low enough by evening that it’s not brutal, and there’s often a generous breeze. Which is pretty glorious for SA.

Last week, I was even waxing poetic about the backlit cacti, ha. So you know I’ve really been drinking the South Texas cool-aide, ha.

It’s lovely to see the kiddos enjoying this time outdoors and with their lessons, so it’s safe to say tennis will continue for the foreseeable future, and I’ve never felt better about shifting away from dance and toward this activity.

Here are some shots of them playing around after their lesson a couple weeks ago…

Now. A few other updates…

First: Chicklet has begun her Gleeful Greeter leadership “job” at school and couldn’t be happier each time her assigned day comes around. 

She basically just provides a happy greeting and friendly face to her fellow students as they arrive for the day, and I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to the task!

Chica is still rocking her tech team duties each morning before school (assisting with the audio/visual of the morning announcements), and also just started her PALs program, where she mentors a younger student.

As the eldest kiddo in the casa, she definitely has more going on these days since she’s old enough to participate in the elementary school choir and and the strings program (remember her violin excitement?), which will be an option for Chicklet, beginning next year.

Between all of the above, plus the nightly homework—that’s pretty extensive for three kiddos!—we pretty much have our hands full.

But come Spring, we’ll add or rotate activities, as Chicklet has expressed an interest in swim and guitar lessons, and Little Man has asked about basketball. And we’ve still got a lot of lingering piano interest.

So…there you have it! Our Fall 2022 happenings!

Here’s hoping we continue to enjoy a low-key rotation of all the things they like to do.

And here’s to eventually identifying what they love to do as these things progress!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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