Sunday, November 27, 2022

Back To Home Base

Well, peeps.

We’re home! 

It’s hard to believe it’s already the flip side of Thanksgiving, and just days ‘til December, but we are in it to win it, it’s gonna be a busy week, and I’m so grateful we had today to regroup before the school week begins.

We tackled so many chores today—including our outdoor decking of the halls (!)—and it was a really solid, beautiful (temps in the 70’s) day. With happy kiddos, who were all cute and cuddly reading their books :)

We really needed this transitional day after a looooong, arduous journey, yesterday. For the first time in ages, we really had really poor weather on both bookends of our Oklahoma trip. :(

Yesterday was pretty awful with six solid hours of downpour kind of rain. I mean…you know your nine hour drive is gonna be rough when you kick off the morning with this:

We encountered so many accidents—and witnessed one right in front of us—and it was just a really tense and stressful day.

The kiddos were actually really great in the car, and took lots of iPad breaks for reading (Amen, Hallelujah!)…

But even if we’d been traveling under the best of circumstances, we might have still looked like this by our Dallas stop. :(

The weather was so awful and we were so over it that we took a nearly two-hour hiatus from driving and got some relief over lunch and holiday wandering at Northpark.

Poor Chicklet was so low due to the Dramamine to keep her from throwing up in the car that we all just needed a BREAK, so we didn’t stress about how long we lingered.

We got some happy coffee after lunch…

And lots of desserts (at three different places) on our way to see the turtles…

And the reindeer…

And then we were restored enough to forge ahead for the longer, second half of our journey.


Like I said…we REALLY needed this transitional day after making it home, and I’m soooo grateful for it!

More mañana when I take daylight pics, but for now, please enjoy our super subtle (as always, ha) holiday hoopla. Our house is certainly FESTIVE, ha.

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Wishing everyone a tolerable return to normal, post-holiday, Monday life!

Over and out. 

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