Monday, November 14, 2022


So…to recap:

Last Monday and Tuesday Little Man was home sick (still recovering from RSV, with a side dose of full-body strep-antibiotic rash). Joy.

Then Wednesday, he went to school (Amen, Hallelujah).

Thursday afternoon I got a call from the school nurse; Little Man was in the clinic with a headache and fever, so…back home he came.

Then Friday, I got two-for-the-price-of-one, with Little Man still home working through the dregs of his latest fever, whilst Chicklet was also home after testing positive for RSV.

I mean…UGH.

Believe it or not, we got through the weekend okay-ish, and even made it to church on Sunday, but things were not perfect with Little Man. AGAIN.

Alas, I sent him to school today, as his amazing ocean diorama was due today, and he was so excited to bring it. Here’s the post, if you want to see it:


Please allow me reenact the conversation the hubby and I had at lunchtime, today:

Me: So…I haven’t gotten a call from the school nurse, yet. That’s gotta be a good sign, yes?

Him: The day’s not over, yet.

Sixty seconds later (I KID YOU NOT), the phone rings.


The school nurse.

Little Man was in the clinic again, with a fever and headache. Bless his homeroom teacher, who noticed he wasn’t looking too well. By the time I got him home, his temp was past 102 again. OYE. And let’s not even talk about the classmate of his who was also in the clinic. Throwing up. :(

I seriously, absolutely, completely GIVE UP.

I don’t know what to even do at this point, but keep hauling him to the pediatrician (upon her recommendation when I called again this afternoon).

When I spoke with a friend this evening, she reported her daughter’s class was down to only 8 students on Friday! And today, alone, 26 students went home sick, FROM SCHOOL. As in, 26 students came to school and then HAD TO LEAVE at some point. I can’t even begin to guess the number of absences in total, including the ones who never even came.


So…thanks to the fever, Little Man isn’t allowed to go to school tomorrow (obvs), so back to the doctor we go. Again (again, again, AGAIN).

I can legitimately say—and this is a big deal—that this is the most absences any of my children has had during a single season, ever.


My poor boy.

I’d end this by saying “here’s hoping all these germs clear out, soon,” but I think that’s kind of moot at this point. 


More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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