Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Chica’s First Strings Concert!

Well, peeps.

‘Tis the season for lots of extras!


Last night was Chica’s 4th/5th grade choir concert, and tonight, was her inaugural 5th grade strings concert. Woohoo!

It’s been a while since I’ve given a violin update, so here’s the gist:

This 5th grade program is run by the middle school orchestra director, who comes to the elementary school twice a week. Chica stays after school for a quick half hour on those days, and practices with the handful of other violinists—along with the other string instrument students (like viola, bass, etc.).

She’s fortunate to have a couple little friends from her class that participate, as well, and it’s been such an easy breezy strings introduction!

We rent the instrument from a music store, I help remind her to practice just once or twice a week outside of her lessons at school, and beyond that, it requires very little and she’s already learned so much!

I took these pics back in October when she’d learned enough about hand positioning and notes to give me a demonstration. :)

They learn according to a “pizzacato” method, where they pluck the strings instead of utilizing the bow in the early stages. It’s pretty dang adorable.

Even back in October, I was so impressed with her ability to sight read and pluck out a recognizable tune.

Fast forward to this evening, when three of the local elementary schools that participate in this program all convened at the middle school (!) for the joint performance of five songs, all plucked out. It was presh-us.

They’ve actually progressed to the point in their lessons where they’re just about to utilize the bow (!), and there will be another concert at the end of the year where they’ll play alongside students of all grade levels—including high school. Woohoo!

In case I haven’t said it a dozen times before (ha), I am a firm believer in the benefits of music and instrumental learning. Beyond the joy of the actual music, it’s an incredible exercise for the brain and for hand-eye coordination, and I’m just thrilled to bits that Chica’s enjoying it so much. :) It’s such a happy, low-angst activity she gets to enjoy with friends. And that’s a win/win/win!

Also on the low angst front…dressing a tween is TOUGH. Especially for fancy events. Especially, especially when said tween full-on rejects dresses, ha. So I’m eternally grateful for the foresight of shopping early when the stress was low and finding this adorable sparkly jumpsuit with velvet shrug that was just perfect. Amen, Halleluiah. 

So here’s to more instrumental fun in the future…and to this Mama working on Chicklet’s request for guitar lessons. Gotta figure that one out! Ha.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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