Thursday, December 8, 2022

Growing Pangs (Not Pains)

Okay, peeps.

Yesterday, at the 48-hour mark, when none of my kiddos had a fever or the plague, we initiated the launch sequence for a RESCHEDULED Flash Craft Holiday Party. 


So…if all goes according to plan, tomorrow night our casa will be festive and raucous—and hopefully, worth the effort that goes into throwing a fun little shindig like this, ha.

Needless to say, there’s a decent bit of work to be done between now and then. I purposefully procrastinated with any cleaning and prepping until I knew for sure that the event would be happening.

Thank goodness, the crafts were already assembled and at-the-ready last week, but I’ve been a busy little bee today with all the rest—especially because I’m chaperoning a field trip for Chica tomorrow, so I’m going to lose a decent chunk of the day.

That said.

I’ve really come to enjoy (though also kind of loathe) any major event or holiday hosted at our house in recent years—as long as it’s one I’ve initiated myself, as opposed to, say, neighborhood Bunco, ha.

And the reason I’ve come to enjoy-and-only-slightly loathe it is, in part, due to the fact that our house never looks lovelier than when we have loads of people over. 

Amiright, people??

I mean, there’s nothing like the motivation of a packed house or holiday event to give you that needed push to tackle some tiny things that might otherwise go untended.

Like…changing light bulbs out, or tackling a tiny bit of touch up paint, or kinda sorta dusting those baseboards. Maybe. ;)

I find it to be really excellent motivation to get things in tip-top shape—even if it’s for one night only (and if, by the end of that night, the house looks like a bomb went off, ha).


It’s been cute to watch the kiddos prepare for their little party with friends, as well.

I don’t think I shared last year on the blog about a funny little quirk I noticed with Chicklet, in relation to the Flash Craft Party.

Shortly before the event began, I noticed she’d taken all the Princess and unicorn ornaments off her bedroom Christmas tree and stuffed them under her dresser—along with a handful of other girly things. There wasn’t time to question her about it before the event, but later, when I inquired, she shared that she wanted her little male friends she’d invited from her class to feel comfortable in her room, and she was worried they wouldn’t like the overly-girly things.

I mean..totes adorbs, that she was concerned about their comfort in our house, and did her best to be an accommodating hostess.

But, also…an excellent teaching moment about friends liking you for who you are. And not needing to hide or change the behavior or toys or clothes you enjoy, for the sake of other people.

Kiddos can be fascinating in this way. Watching how their little brains work is priceless.

I’m so pleased to report that Chicklet does not feel the need to tuck any of her possessions away this year. I think it’s largely due to being more and more comfortable and tight with her little friends. But also, just a factor of her aging.

Conversely…Little Man has been the one to request a handful of room changes prior to the party this year. Though, honestly, some of these have been a long time coming. The party was just the final bit of motivation needed.

Basically, he asked to remove all final traces of superhero from his room, and finally pack away any and all young kiddo/toddler type of books. Totally reasonable, even if it hurts!

Some months ago (well, nearly a year, I think), he requested an artwork change for all the prints that line his wall. Out with the superheroes, in with Mario!

I was totally great with this change, to reflect his growing tastes, but it’s admittedly a little sad to see alllll his superhero books get packed up.

I have sooooo many lovely memories with these books that it’s hard to put them carefully in a box, even when I totally understand and agree with the timing.

I mean, my kiddos are such reading machines these days (and I’m admittedly a bit indulgent in buying them books!) that we’re kind of running out of space for our growing library. I have grand plans to maybe add some slimline bookshelves to the playroom sometime soon, but in the meantime, bedroom/closet real estate is precious!


It doesn’t help the bittersweet growing pangs of saying goodbye (in a keepsake box; not a donation box!) to memory-making books like this one…

If you scan this many-years-ago post, it will underscore my point:

It’s so darn hard to watch your kiddos grow and age—particular outgrow things as they age. Amazing, but still hard. It’s just a reminder of their constant evolution and the passage of time. And it’s hard not to get a little sentimental about it all.

Goodbye, construction and truck books. We loved you so…

Hello, Sonic, Zombies, ghosts and Minecraft…

Buh-bye, superhero minis. I adored you to bits and pieces—and so did Little Man…

But hang on, little Groot. At least Little Man wants to keep you around—just stuffed away in a drawer for now, ha…

Change is hard, but constant. Especially when raising a family.

But here’s to the fun of the next stage and challenge—and to the helpful kick in the pants of hosting a holiday party to usher in the changing of the guard. ;)

Happy Almost Friday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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