Thursday, December 1, 2022

Chicklet’s Aquarium Field Trip!

Okay, peeps.

The headline for today: Little Man tested positive for Flu A this afternoon. So…yeah.

I don’t even know what to say at this point about the rough viral season we’ve been powering through, except that it’s hard not to get a little beaten down when it feels like Groundhog Day: The Viral Edition.

We’re not alone; I know so many families are in the weeds like this. This, too, shall pass. I just wish it would pass quickly. For good!

This evening, we had to officially cancel the Kiddos’ Flash Craft Holiday Party that was set for tomorrow, and needless to say, our crazies were majorly disappointed—as were their friends (as was I, considering all the work I’d already put in!).

I’m uncertain if we’ll be able to reschedule—especially until we know if anyone else in the household falls ill—so we’re just not thinking about it for a couple of days. 

All that said…

During phases like this, when it’s hard to combat germs and the negative emotions and moods that come with them, I find it so important to hone the art of personal attitude adjustments, ha. And trying to enjoy the good times mixed in among all the sick ick.

Amen, Halleluiah, today definitely included one of those good times, because it was Chicklet’s 3rd grade Aquarium Field Trip!

Honestly, it was such a treat to chaperone…for a few reasons:

First: I just love making these particular grade school memories with my kiddos. The field trips I’ve joined for each of my babies are precious experiences to me—and to them, I think. And these years are fleeting!

Second: Chicklet really wanted me to go. She even took the liberty of filling out the volunteer form on my behalf—complete with hearts beside our names, ha. Look how she checked the boxes before she even brought it home. She was bursting to give me the news and basically set it in front of me and said: sign here. I mean…it made me laugh and swoon because I LOVE with all of my Mama heart that she has the confidence and certainty that if she wants me, I’ll be there. That’s major (to me, at least).


There were 12 parents who volunteered (!), and her class only needed five. So…names were drawn out off hat, Chicklet was crossing all her fingers and toes, and…I was selected! Woohoo!

Third: obviously, with Little Man down and out and spiking a 104-degree temp last night, I might have had to cancel. But the poor hubby wanted me to go for our girl, so he missed his own holiday work party at lunch today so I could spend the day with a Chicklet, and it was not lost on me that I needed to appreciate the experience!

I mean…look at the cute list of “rules” she even wrote for me last night. I die: 

She is always so loving and attached to me, and porous to have me around when we’re away on these field trips. It’s just an absolute joy to give her—and her little friends—all the attention I can.

I lucked out with such a well-behaved little group, to boot. If made the day sooooo enjoyable.

As an aside…it was our school’s first trip to this aquarium, and it was wonderfully hands-on. The kiddos spent oodles of time petting and feeding the sting rays! And they had hands-on time with alpacas, snakes, birds, turtles and more. SO fantastic.

Um…no! They just left the giant reticulated python out in the open like this for awhile (the one below is a different species and far larger than the 90-pound one the woman is holding above). I just walked right up and pet the guy (brave, I know). So chill. 

This shot cracked me up. Her little group was in an aviary enclosure listening to some information about the birds. And Chicklet was just READY and waiting for any of them to fly down and perch on her, ha. Human landing spot. ;)

I’m grateful for some happy memories to break up all the sickness and shuffling of schedules. And for my girl, who loves animals and learning and was just thrilled to pieces and bits over the excursion. :)

I’m anxious about what the next few days might hold for our household health, but…here’s hoping we power through, and it’s not too bad.

Happy Chicklet Field Trip Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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