Thursday, January 12, 2023

Broken Record


I guess it’s a really good thing I lived up that one day of solitude—because we barely made it more than a week back at school before I had my boy home sick, today. :( 

Same song, millionth verse. Viral ick. This time, a lovely bi-product of his Christmas COVID.

Thanks to his rough cough, and his pediatrician’s desire (Amen, Halleluiah) to keep his poor exhausted lymph nodes and red, angry throat and tonsils from giving up and letting this go to his chest with full-on bronchitis, we came home with…

A nebulizer.

Third kid in, and a first for us.

I mean, particularly with Little Man, we’ve been through allllllll the croup-related breathing difficulties and remedies, but this one was a fresh experience.

A cute little monkey that attaches to the tubes that dispense the medicine into his mask.

I really, sincerely hope that my boy is building up a ROCKSTAR immune system throughout all this, as I just feel so sorry for him, dealing with all this yuck over and over.

And a bit sorry for me, too, if I’m honest.


I try to find the little bits of unplanned quality time and take joy in them—as much as I’m able.

Like…trunk doodling, ha.

As in: doodling in the trunk of my car while the girlies had their tennis lesson today, since Little Man couldn’t participate.

We sat in the trunk with the gate partially open to let in some fresh air, but keep out the wind and harsh cold. And it enabled us to hear the tennis fun from our little bubble while we colored.

Do our drawings look like our crazy family luggage??? :)

My boy enjoyed the silly suitcase doodle so much, we continued with a second doodle (a flaming marshmallow) that we nearly completed, as well.

So. Not exactly the day I had planned.

But…at least you can say it’s never dull around here!

More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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