Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Chicklet’s Skyrocketing Reading Fluency!

Okay, peeps.

Today was a banner day for my Chicklet. :)

She had her third and final reading fluency benchmark testing of the school year (how do we only have nine weeks left???), and she knocked it out of the park in such a major way that her teacher captured some pics for posterity, sent me a report via text, and we all made a big, hefty deal of it. Rightly so!


For further context:

During Chicklet’s last round of benchmark testing (in December), she’d already scored so freaking high that she was in the 77th percentile nationwide, with an 89th percentile growth versus her prior scores. Say…what?!

So to have this round, today, blow that one out of the water (by 16 points, which will equate to a whole heckuva lot of growth!), I mean…HOLY. COW.

I don’t have specific percentiles, but I won’t be surprised if she ends up in the 90th somewhere.

If you’ve followed along on this here blog with my Chicklet’s reading journey, you’ll know that this is such a MAJOR accomplishment it literally brings me to tears.

Last year, I shared an incredibly long and detailed post about my girl’s neurodiverse, magical brain, and her official dyslexia diagnosis that was a long and emotional process:

It was an intense few years of drilling down, identifying what I knew in my gut, and following the red tape toward the path that would set Chicklet on her path to success. And to see her now…I mean. I have no words!

About a month ago, I had the joy of Chicklet’s annual 504 meeting to discuss her year in progress with her dyslexia specialist and homeroom teacher, and let me just say that it was such a celebration and general love fest that I came bearing flowers for these incredible educators:

We have been blessed in such an overwhelming way. The right people, personalities and procedures have supported us every, darn step of the way, and my girl, my beloved, AMAZING, adventurous, kind-hearted, caring, curious girl has done allllllllllllll the hard work.

I knew someday we’d get to a happy, contented place, but even in my wildest hopes and dreams, I hadn’t predicted the unbelievable momentum this girl has achieved. 

She’s is, without a doubt, my GIRL WITH GRIT.

Can’t wait to see what’s in store for this child of mine when she’s sponged up yet another year of learning. 


Happy Hump Day, peeps!

It was a good one around our casa as moods are riding high with just two schools days before Spring Break.

More mañana!

Over and out. 

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