Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Back To School FLOPPING

Okay, peeps.

First of all, it’s been days and dayyyyyz since I’ve managed to post because…LIFE.

Goodness, our schedule is just beating me dang down, and I’m sure the triple digit temps have a lot to do with that!

My mood has been all over the map since our departure from Tulsa—mostly because it signaled my need to divert my attention to the next and final wave of our summer schedule mania, and, welp, let’s just say it’s never a dull day around here.

Chicklet and Little Man are at a traditional summer day camp every day this week, and they are loving the heck out of it, and are also total champs in my book for managing to have such a blast when they’re spending the majority of their eight-hour camp day OUTSIDE in these insane temperatures. Texas babies, for sure. And I promise a more detailed post on all that hoopla tomorrow or the next day!

Meanwhile, Chica and I have been spending twosome time together, and while I’d love to say it’s been all snuggles and rainbows…not so much, ha.

I give you my beloved eldest, totally beaten down after hours of back-to-school shopping today. Hours that resulted in ZERO purchases:

I mean, the struggle is real.

We ventured to EIGHT different stores and literally came away empty handed. 

Empty. Handed.

And not for lack of trying.

I mean, Chica will be the first to admit that she’s picky with her clothes these days (years?). Fabric, seams, style, cut, fit, colors…it’s tough.

Add to that the fact that she’s grown four inches in the past year (an inch just this summer!), and is in that terrible no-woman’s-land between child and adult sizes, and…UGH. The whole situation is TOUGH.

Then add to that the fashion anxiety and uncertainty of middle school and shopping is just one gigantic landmine.

Luckily, about six stores into our shopping non-marathon, it started to be one really hysterical inside joke. And we came up with the perfect solution for our shopping blues.


We got the biggest, densest pieces of chocolate cake we could find, laughed away our troubles, and eventually went home happy.

Honestly, I’m a bit relieved we didn’t have a lot (read: any) of success today, because Chica and I both agree that when she launches middle school, it might be helpful to take a beat, see what types of clothes her classmates are wearing, and then try this whole shebang again—maybe when some new arrivals hit stores.

So…until then, she’ll rock the tried-and-truex soft, neutral joggers we ordered in fresh sizes, and, like, the one new t-shirt she found the other day, ha.

More mañana (or the next mañana after that, ha) about Chicklet’s and Little Man’s week of camp life fun.

Over and out. 

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