Monday, August 21, 2023

Transitional Time Joy Triggers

Okay, peeps.

The launch of school is always tough.

We get better at it every year (or so I’d like to think), but it’s still a whole vibe we have to work through. 

Our crew did remarkably well last week, managing all the newness and business and overstimulation…but then the weekend hit, and we all crashed HARD. 

Moods tanked, emotions ran high, and our patience and positivity were both kind of nonexistent..

UGH. But, also, to be expected.

We gave ourselves some grace. And then we gave ourselves some major attitude adjustments, and made plans to launch the week with POSITIVITY.

And launch it, we did!

I know this might be in my head, but I feel like I see our deer friends a whole lot more on positive days (or maybe they help to make our days positive?) or at times of change, so it felt like an omen to pull into the driveway at midday and find our Mama friend and her two teenagers:

It was such a simple thing that made me so happy, and helped keep my mood high throughout the remainder of the day.

And it was needed, because…homework kicked in today! (Cue all the sobbing and complaining—by me.)

But after Little Man completed his, he scurried upstairs, and when I started walking up there to put away some laundry, he shrieked, stopped me, and told me he needed a minute. Oooooh-kaaaaay.

Thirty minutes later, my boy burst my heart by hauling me upstairs and showing me the spotless playroom he’d picked up all by himself, for no reason, just because he wanted to keep our day happy.

I mean…I DIE.

And then, he launched my joy into the stratosphere by cocking his head and saying, “I just have one more question: do you wanna watch Spiderverse with me?”

I exploded into a gazillion pieces of Mama-sparkled pixie dust, ditched EVERYTHING ELSE I needed to be doing, and snuggled up with my boy (until I had to go to Chica’s choir orientation, ha)!

It was a GOOD day.

A busy one, but good. 

And it had me thinking about all the other things that have helped me spark joy in the past week.

So many tiny odds and ends hat have helped my mood as we work through this new school year transition.

First: I had a coffee date with a girlfriend and then we stocked up on yummy scented things at Bath & Body Works. Seeing all those autumnal scents made me so stinking happy!! And I made a really fun purchase: this spooky fortune teller globe (that swirls and changes colors; so cool!)  that holds the candle. SQUEEEEEE!

And I won’t put this out for a few more weeks, but I got this super fun little soap holder that plays some haunted music when you press the soap pump, hehe.

Other joy triggers…

My boy, dancing around in his creeper blanket that always slays me. And his new pajamas, because none of his old ones fit!

This FACE. Enough said:

His teenaged mutant ninja turtle onesie also slays me, tehe.

And my new water bottle that has motivational messages to keep you drinking more. It matched Chica so perfectly…but she ain’t stealing it!

In addition to all of the above, plus my hubby, who is always my partner in all things life…I’ve had so much commiserating support from several of my closest Mama friends in the past week. It so lovely to have friends who are in the same boat and keep you laughing and smiling.

Hoping to keep the positive vibes going for tomorrow.

Fingers crossed, peeps!

Over and out. 

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