Friday, August 25, 2023

Exponential Kiddo Growth

Okay, peeps.

As you can tell, I’ve been sporadic in my posting since the launch of school, because…LIFE. Perhaps some parents manage the whole shebang better than me, but I find the start of each school year to be quite intensive.

Chock it up to three separate kiddos with lots of activities and educational nuances and homework needs—plus two separate schools and schedules now thrown into the mix—and, welp, it’s just been a LOT.

No better or worse than any other household, it’s just a whole thing to wade through.


I think we’re close to leveling out and getting in our household grove, and we’re certainly launching this weekend in a better familial mood than last, so…all good things!



Let’s talk about a major topic that’s been on my mind SO MUCH lately, because it’s kinda hard to ignore:

Exponential Kiddo Growth!

Last night, Chica came downstairs before her shower to report that she had zero clean pajamas. Because, apparently, I’m a stellar laundress. 


What to do? What to do??

Welp. I hauled her into my bedroom, grabbed a pair of my own pajama pants and the darn things fit her even cuter than they fit me, and…UGH. Liiiiiiiife. Grooooowth. AGING! It. Is. Real Right Now.

It’s been my personal experience that these things come in waves. One of my kiddos might truck along without much growth—physical, emotional, mental, social; any or all of the above—for a decent bit of time, and then, all of a sudden, WHAM! Holy changes. Then…things will eventually level out again, and we’ll truck along until another wave hits.

Up to this point, when we’ve experienced these waves and lulls, the kiddo in question comes out the other side mostly the same, but just a little enhanced or defined. A clearer rough draft of the human adult they will eventually be.


Take that whole cycle of growth and MULTIPLY IT BY AN EXPONENT OF A LOT (timely analogy, since Chica is currently diving into exponents in Honors Math), and that’s what we’re currently experiencing.

Chica is GROWING and AGING. And HONING herself. And it’s not in tiny increments at the moment, it’s a giant avalanche of new and change.

Not. At. All. Surprising. Given her age and this middle school transition. I just hadn’t expected the whole process to be visible to the naked eye, and it totally is.

Luckily, I have an amazing hubby and we talk about anything and everything under the sun—and spend more time together (equating to more talking) than might be average, ha. 

also have some incredible Mama friends—particularly, Mama friends I adore who are parents to Chica’s peers. So I’ve been able to talk this whole exponential growth thing out a lot (a lot, a lot) and commiserate and laugh and empathize and marvel, and it’s sooooo glorious to know you’re part of a village going through this all at once.

Last week, I came across this quote online, and it definitely spoke to me:

Welp, people. As a person who thrives on consistency, I’ve definitely felt the wrestle. But I’m doing my best to dance, instead!

There are so many things out of my control (most of them, really), but many I can help manage in a way that suits our family and my kiddo. And I’m doing my best to also recognize the beauty of this exponential growth, so let me count some of the ways…

First. The communication. Ooooooh, the communication! I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the double-edged sword of my kiddo having a cell phone, but for the most part, all has been wonderful and fine with this milestone.

Chica still has no apps and doesn’t access the internet, has to approve pictures she takes or sends and ask permission to add friend contacts—or to answer FaceTime calls (no child, ever, born in this century chooses to call instead of text if it’s not via FaceTime, ha.). These guidelines have been NO issue, whatsoever, and I’m grateful for that. I know Chica will challenge some of these restrictions at some point, but for now, we’ve managed to launch the cell phone life with little angst.


Lemme tell ya how EXPONENTIALLY her cell phone usage has increased in just the short couple of weeks since the launch of middle school! And for three main reasons:

1) Communication/Support from friends—coordinating logistics of meeting up before school, touching base about homework or school meetings, carpools, social events, or any number of things. Just like I’ve had to communicate A LOT MORE in the past two weeks with friends, parents and teachers, my kiddo has, as well.

2) School Approved Phone Time—it’s been wild to see just how often and for a variety of reasons, the school tells the kiddos they can or should be on their phones. Most days, Chica’s grade level earns access to their phones during lunch, and it’s a stinking JOY, I tell ya, to get these midday texts from her, checking in:

Obviously, in elementary, I sent her off for the day and didn’t hear a peep until she was home, so knowing I probably will get at least a little message from her during her school is pretty stinking awesome, and something I hadn’t anticipated. 


The second major positive of this exponential growth is…sibling sitting!

Until we’d reached the cell phone milestone, I wasn’t able to leave Chica in charge of siblings if I had to run down the street for a 10-minute errand. But now I can, and it’s GLORIOUS. It helps on so many fronts when the kiddos don’t want to be dragged somewhere or when I have a quick thing to do that will be easier without them.

That said, I’m super-conservative and anxious and don’t tolerate a time span of more than about 20 minutes away from them with Chica in charge. But…baby steps, I tell ya!

And the final (for this post, since my fingers are getting typing tired, ha) positive of this exponential growth is…the physical manifestation of it!

Chica grew FIVE INCHES in the past year, and her pediatrician expects the same this year. Absolutely the most she will physically grow at once in her whole life, and it’s really fun to watch.

Last night, when she was without pajamas, we dug through the drawer of her old winter ones to see if anything might hold her over for one night, and it was a riot to have both of us scrunch our nose up at the options that seemed WAY too juvenile for her—just since she wore them last winter!

Not only has she grown way too tall for all of them, but they just don’t suit the human tween that she currently is.

For so long, I’ve been able to hug my girl and tuck her head just beneath my chin, but…not so much, anymore! We’re more like chin (mine) to cheek (her), and I fully expect her to reach at least my height within the next year.

I’ll have to share a wholllllle different post about clothes shopping for my girl in this current life stage, but it was really fun to find some adult size small shirts for her the other day that actually fit! And I’m waiting until she realizes she’s within one shoe size of me, ha.

Basically, what I’m saying is that doors are opening for my girl in terms of attire, as she’s physically growing like a weed, and it’s so nice to see.

Someday soon, I’ll write a LOT more about this subject of exponential growth and the emotional side of things. 

But for now, I’ll just say that we’re in the thick of it, ha. And though it’s bittersweet and challenge—especially in  conjunction with new school year adjustments—I’m going to do my best to adapt and dance with the change and be the best Mama I can to this growing girl!

Okay. I’m understanding why it’s been hard to post this past week or two because so many of the things on my mind are complex—and lengthy to type and share!

But I promise we’ll level out, soon!


Over and out. 

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