Monday, November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving Puppy Travel

Well, peeps.

We checked off another “first” yesterday: traveling (and surviving) with our beloved puppy!

I’m not gonna lie: Coda was an absolute champ, but even so, it was definitely a circus. 

I’ve said it a million times, already, but I’ll say it again: one thing that just doesn’t get easier for me, on the parenting/family CEO front, is prepping for out of town travel.

Young kids, older kids, by car, by plane, familiar destination, new location, short trip, long trip…I find them all to be a quite overwhelming in terms of lead-up.

Add a puppy who’s not yet leash trained or potty trained—beyond a mat (more on that in a much lengthier post)—plus an 8.5 hour drive and a car packed with kiddos and holiday gear?

Holy. Moly.

It was a day.

But this beautiful little nugget did absolutely as well as we could have wished—circus and all—and for that, I’m so grateful.

She really is such a wonderful puppy. 

I grew up making one or two road trips per year from Oklahoma to Illinois, exactly the same length as this trek we now make form San Antonio to Tulsa (maybe an hour shorter in my childhood, actually).

I wouldn’t say I have fond memories of said road trips, but I do think they’re sort of a character building badge of family honor. And I think it’s a bit wild that my kiddos have ended up in pretty much the same travel position.

Amen, Hallelujah that they’re old enough to handle it all with relative grace. Books, iPads, the Switch…and a handful of stops that, honestly, us parents need even more than the kiddos. 

Thank goodness this little lady slept peacefully—in her bed, in my lap, ha—for at least two thirds of the journey. Considering it was a long day, and raining the entire way, it would have been a nightmare if she was awake and active for all that time.

Meal and potty stops—for her—were complicated lessons in logistical hilarity, but we made it through.

And tried our darnedest to let her stretch her little legs at one point, but she’s still a bit too anxious to go far on her still-pretty-unfamiliar leash. Baby (puppy?) steps!

We definitely brought smiles to everyone who saw her, though. :)

Amen for coffee allllll day long, and only about an hour of the trek when we were SO over it (and poor Coda was, too).

Traveling that long by car just isn’t our family’s cup of tea, and never has been.

But the destination, and the joy of being with family, in our childhood homes and familiar spaces is totally worth it.

My babies were happy and playful and content today…if a little tired (puppy, included).

More mañana, peeps, when we continue on the next leg of our Thanksgiving travel tour!

Over and out. 

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