Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Unplugged Thanksgiving Fun

Helloooo, peeps, from the OkC leg of our Thanksgiving travel shenanigans.

It’s been the kind of packed-house, full-bellied, mass-chaos—plus a puppy!—quality time that one can expect for the holidays. And tomorrow will be more of the same.

But before we get to that, here are some pictures from our kiddo outing today.

We visited a nearby play and paint location, and it was a lot of fun. More, actually, than I expected, as I was just so happy to spend some time with my babies amidst all the expected craziness of this kind of week.

The truly wild thing about today’s outing: we’ve actually been to this location before. More than eight years ago, when my girlies were this small, and Little Man was in m’belly:

The wild thing is if you’d asked me how long ago this was, I might have guessed three or four years. 

Goodness, how time flies.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving mañana.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve, peeps!

Over and out. 

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