Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Dragon Reader

Okay, peeps.

We’re full steam ahead with this holiday break shebang!

And though it hasn’t exactly included any down time, yet, it’s certainly included a shake-up of routine, and for that, I’m grateful.

Slightly (and I mean slightly, with the puppy) wake-up times, yummier breakfasts, relaxed bedtimes, and…more lounging and reading.

All good things.

I was out running errands this afternoon and freaked when I was at the bookstore and found the latest release in Chicklet’s beloved (mostest favoritest) series—because it’s not supposed to be released for another week!

She was freaking pumped when I handed it over! And then kept her nose in the pages until she’d read it cover to cover.

She’ll read it a dozen more times over the next week and scrutinize every work and picture, and that makes my heart so dang happy.

Long. Live. Reading.

And long live grandparents—who are in town and shall be in charge of our human children and canine children allllllll day tomorrow, while the hubby and I escape for some much needed shopping!

Happy Holiday Break, peeps!

Over and out. 

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