Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Chicklet 2.0: NOW WITH GLASSES!

Oh. My. Goodness. PEEPS.

It was a BIG day. Major. HUGE.

My Chicklet went to a full-on, really thorough eye doctor appointment and I FINALLY GOT A KIDDO WITH GLASSES! Happy, happy, joy, joy. :)

And, just LOOK how stinking adorable she is!

To rewind…prior to today, only Little Man had been for a detailed eye exam (after something flared at the pediatrician). Otherwise, my kiddos have always had quick eye exams at school and at their annual physicals without anything popping.

However, for some time, Chicklet has reported some difficulty with her sight, and so I’d been keeping a close eye (pun intended) on things.

Welp. Chicklet’s mentions ramped into higher gear when I had my own eye exam a couple weeks ago (thus, keeping the eye doctor convo top of mind).

Then things ramped up even further when Chicklet read a book about a young girl who discovered she needed glasses.

Then things just got hysterically ironic when Chicklet came home with an assigned reading passage about a real-life girl (with glasses) who wrote to Disney about the lack of movie characters representing glasses-wearers and made such an impact that Disney released Encanto with—you guessed it—a lead character who wears glasses (coolio green ones, at that!).

Don’t you just LOVE it when the universe works like this???


Needless to say, there was no reason not to make an appointment and bring my girl in.

I was slightly worried about the power of suggestion (Mama has awesome glasses, Chicklet’s book character has awesome glasses; Mirabel from Encanto has awesome glasses), but no faking it, here: my girl definitely needed them! 

In fact, I was so impressed with the doctor’s detailed and thorough analysis that it took any worries along those lines completely off the table.

I got to see firsthand some of the tricky eyesight issues Chicklet was navigating, and the doctor even doubled the time of the appointment by choosing to dilate her eyes so he could get an even more accurate prescription recommendation for her, and it was wonderful to know he was taking such care to get things right.

Hysterically, I think my girl was overjoyed to join the glasses ranks—even though she’s a bit anxious about people making fun of this new and different glasses-wearing vibe. Her lenses won’t arrive for about two weeks, so it will still be a bit of a wait before she unveils her new look.

But as with most things, my girl KNOWS her style and vibe. It took her exactly five seconds to pick out her frames, tehe. And they’re SO her:

They have really fun sides that fade from blue to pink to purple. She said they looked cosmic, ha. And I agree! Also very oceanic, if I do say so. And blue is her hands-down signature color.

I love this kid of mine SO STINKING MUCH, and it was a joy to get this unintended special bonding time with her, today. 

She ended up with a prescription nearly identical to my own when I first needed glasses—at her exact same age, no less! And I made sure to make a BIG, POSITIVE DEAL about this monumental milestone.

All good things.

And speaking of all good things as related to my Chicklet…

This evening, I participated in a webinar dyslexia simulation that was quite lengthy and detailed and EYE-OPENING (I’m sticking with this pun)! 

It’s absolutely astonishing, to be honest, to tackle challenge after challenge, designed to mimic a dyslexic learner and the struggles they face, in comparison to a neuro-typical learner, and to feel even a fraction of what a dyslexic student experiences every day of their life.

My Chicklet and her beautiful, brilliant, adaptive dyslexic brain NEVER cease to amaze me, and I’m continuously grateful for any and all knowledge that helps me to champion her to the best of my ability.

And on that note…I’ll leave you with the selfies I discovered this past weekend after she’d sneakily stolen my phone, ha.

Happy Chicklet Gets Glasses Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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