Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Let There Be (Joy-Sparking) LIGHT!

Okay, peeps.

We are neaaaaarly to the end of this phase of random interior home projects. And thank heavens for that, as I don’t think my sanity can take any more! Nor can Coda puppy’s sanity, if I’m being honest. Oye.

Nothing ever goes as smoothly or as quickly as one hopes—and honestly, my home is my save zone cocoon, and I just don’t like it teeming with contractors! Especially for odds and ends projects that aren’t necessarily super visible or fun.

That said, I fully acknowledge this is a self-inflicted problem, and the definition of privileged to be whining about home projects I’m grateful to be tacking.


I’ll just say that I’m really glad we’re trekking along and that I’ll be giving my hardwood floors (yet another) really thorough mopping tomorrow, as they need it!


For tonight’s random post, I give you my new favorite things that make me smile like a FOOL every time I look at them:

My non-wired sconces!

Okay. To rewind…

We got a new sectional (I don’t even think I’ve shared full pics of it, yet), that can sooooo comfortably fit all of us humans in the familia—plus one tiny puppy—with oodles of room to spare, and it’s wonderful.

And as part of that new sectional situation, we’ve been doing a little switcheroo on some artwork that previously hung behind the couch. It moved to the master bathroom where it sooooo belonged all along (I’ll share pics later), so I went on the hunt for something perfect as a replacement behind the couch.

I found and fell in love with the “lady” painting in the pic above (we actually, hysterically, have a handful of female silhouette canvases throughout the house; and unintended theme, I suppose!), and when I brought it home, the hubby adored it, too.

Then my next-level evil plan to make that area so classy and chic was to add some sconce lighting (so we didn’t have to waste room on a floor lamp anymore; we’ve had one there for nearly five years and turned it on approximately twice, as it just wasn’t functional for us).

Enter…battery-powered sconces!

I had ZERO interest in engaging an electrician or putting massive holes or wiring in this wall that’s still nicely painted. So when I ran across these non-wired sconces—that were half the price of my previous floor lamp, mind you!—I jumped on them, STAT.

The USB-charged batteries could not look cooler or more space-aged.

They fully charged for the first time in less than an hour, and apparently, they hold more than 30 hours of battery life before recharging is necessary. 

I felt like a Bad A Boss Lady for installing them myself, like a champ. Measure thrice, drill once, ha. Small holes for a simple mount that was easy-peasy. 


They’re controlled by a simple remote, and the most fun bit of all: there are lots of color options! Even one setting that fades and rotates amongst allll the available colors, which has tickled the kiddos endlessly, of course. ;) They select the color each night based on their moods, ha.

I seriously could NOT be happier with this little refresh, and already, the lights are soooo functional for us. So, yay, for a simple, affordable project that sparked BIG joy!


Another lighting project that’s quite exciting and still ongoing…landscape lighting!

Our property is nearly an acre, and beyond the gas coach lights at front, and garage lights at the side, it has always been dark, dark, DARK. Like: scary, don’t-know-what’s-lurking-out-there dark. Especially since the lots in our neighborhood are pretty spaced out and the street lamps are, as well.

Welp. With the additional of Coda puppy, we just needed more light to be able to track the darn little thing—especially from all the wild animals we have out and about.

The vendor completed the front yard yesterday, and I can’t wait to see the backyard next.

What a difference, already! It’s WILD.

Some rough pictures, but you’ll get the idea:

I’m so, so grateful for these things. Home ownership can be a major beatdown, especially with a Money Pit like ours that has give us a loooooooot of pain during our tenure. So it’s never lost on me the privilege of upgrades and upkeep like this that help increase functionally and value.

Happy I-Wish-It-Was-Friday-But-It’s-Just-Wednesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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