Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sick Days And Doodles

Well, peeps.

My kiddos managed to log a collective 7 absences in 9 school days.

So needless to say, it’s a good thing we have this nice, roomy, new sectional, ‘cause it’s been housing a lot o’ puny babies.

Chicklet kicked things off last week with her viral ick…

Chica then picked up that viral baton—with ramped up symptoms for funsies…

Then Chicklet tanked with strep throat for kicks and giggles, so…

It was absolutely ZERO percent surprise to anyone (anyone being me) when my boy appeared in our room in the middle of Thursday night, crying with ear/congestion pain and logging a fever of his very own.

I mean, heaven forbid he be left out of the sick ick party.

Luckily, he was moderately stable and we managed to tackle our traditional chicken biscuit breakfast plus doodle sick day. He picked a fun foldable emoji one that I lurved.

It was actually our second doodle of the week, which is pretty much a minor miracle (or, maybe, the only stinking upside to a lot of household illness). We just never have time these days. But considering Monday was a school holiday and we had to stick indoors (Chicklet was percolating her strep and Chica was pretty awful that day), we managed this adorable springtime one, as well:

I really, really, REALLY hope we’re about to turn a corner on this sick ick, though I’m kind of worried about the hubby and I.

But while we weather this round, it sure is nice to lounge downstairs with plenty of room.

Silver linings, peeps. Silver linings.

More later on the ongoing fun projects going on around here. It’s always something. Today involved six hours of assembly for some Little Man room shenanigans (again, more soon).

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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