Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Confirmation Countdown!

Okay, peeps.

These last few days have beaten me down a bit. 
Chicklet sick (viral), then Chica sick (viral), then Chicklet sick (strep throat). 

It’s been a topsy-turvy 9 days.

But I’m gonna set all that aside for now, and share a happy milestone:

Chica attended her final Wednesday evening confirmation class at church tonight, and it felt like a Big Deal. Something to celebrate, for sure!

(Pretend this is a pic from tonight, instead of her second-to-last Confirmation class, two weeks ago.)

Honestly, I think I’ve shared in the past, but I’m kind of glad we went into this thing a bit blind to the responsibilities and demands of Chica’s Confirmation year.

A Fall weekend retreat, another Springtime retreat (a mini one; coming up), Confirmation class in the evenings, every other Wednesday, Sunday School mandatory attendance, sermon notes to be turned in, and memory verses to recite and/or write down each and every week.

It’s been a lot.

On top of a lot that Chica already has on her plate. And I’m so impressed with my girl for powering through it all.

In addition to all that I listed above, Chica also had to power through a rite of passage “interview” with our lead pastor a couple weeks ago, during which he quizzed her on some of what she’s learned this year in her Confirmations studies.

Lemme tell you just how much she was sweating that meeting—along with every other kiddos going through Confirmation!

But she did it.

It’s over.

And she’s truly barreling toward the finish line, now.

She’s completed all her mandatory sermon notes. That scary interview is over. She marked off her final Wednesday evening class. The end is in sight!

Basically, she’s got that mini retreat and her ongoing Sunday School (plus mandatory memory verses) for two more months.

Another day, another post, I’ll share general thoughts about this process—the good, the bad, the institution part, the faith part (the one and only part that’s actually important), but for now, I’ll just say that I’m proud of her and I’m excited to get a bit closer to the finish line. :)

Okay, more mañana, peeps. It’s going to be a kind of busy one.

Over and out. 

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