Monday, February 19, 2024

Sick Ick Merry-Go-‘Round

Okay, peeps.

You know it’s a bad sign when your sick child bed buddy for the night is a different sick child bed buddy than the previous night.

I basically just give up.

To recap:

Chicklet was home sick last Tuesday/Wednesday, then Chica came home sick on Friday and spent the whooooole holiday weekend down and out.

Then, tonight, Chicklet spiked a fever and tanked health-wise, AGAIN.

Too soon to say if this is the same viral ick on repeat, or something new and lovely. But my girl tanked bad, and is currently asleep in my bed.

Meanwhile…my beloved eldest was at her lowest point last night at bedtime. Sobbing in ear pain and just so congested and miserable.

As she’s prone to stoically suffering in silence, she was my bed buddy so I could keep an eye on her. And I couldn’t resist taking this sleeping pic this morning because she’s old and giant and I never get to sneak these pics anymore (plus, she’s gracious and will forgive me for doing so, ha).

I might as well just throw in the towel with this massive jinx by saying at least my crazy son was silly and giddy and happy today. I’m sure that will come back to bite me.

Not so fun around here right now, but…this, too, shall pass.


Wish me luck tomorrow.

Over and out. 

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